"It's Benign"
The past few months have been a challenge. I made the decision to step away from work and tackle some health issues head on. In the middle of my adventure- came a new roadblock- Craig found a new, wonderful job, and that put my adventure in health on hold. What no one knew at the time was that I had found a lump in my armpit. A visible, hard, non moving lump. Having never had one before- I had NO idea what to do. Do you get in immediately? Wait it out? Is it something serious? So, being that I had no choice but to wait for my new insurance to kick in, I waited the two months and watched. Checking a couple times a week, I was frustrated to always find it there. When October rolled around, I rolled on into the Gyncologist office and had it checked out..it was about 3 cm, and I needed to get a mammogram and ultrasound. Quickly got those done and to my delight, I was told it was nothing to worry about and I was fine. I had a routine visit 2 weeks later, at which time the lump went from 3 cm to 6 cm- I was told to get into see the surgeon for a second opinion. By this time, I had a second pea-sized lump near my collarbone. The surgeon was short and to the point, "We need to take that out and get it biopsied."
Biopsy. This may very well be the worst possible word in the english, spanish, french or finnish language (that is a language right??)... A growing lump, a biopsy, the words "rule out lymphoma"..and I will admit, I was a mental wreck. Each day I would tell myself that I don't have cancer- this is from some infection in my system (which I happen to have in my belly-whole different story). I would search on the internet for things like- its a lump not cancer! I would lie awake at night, nauseated and thinking I dont have cancer, but if this comes back bad-because I refuse to say it any other way- what will I do. How will I take care of Jonathan, will I be my same self, will I get sick, do you have to be in a hospital..the questions were non-stop, the thoughts took control. Only a handful of people outside my family knew what was going on. With my surgery being the day before Thanksgiving, I wasn't sure traveling was a good idea..throw in my son then tore his meniscus, so all traveling was determined to be a NO GO! My loving husband didn't even go to Thanksgiving dinner here in Colorado, as he stayed by my side.
The nurses had told me it would be surprisingly simple, not a lot of pain, I should be fine and up the next day. I woke up with swelling that was 10 times larger then the original lump, and each step I took shot pain straight to my armpit. Excruciating pain that left me staying in bed for a couple days. I had an allergic reaction to the pain medication- so I was up all night long itching and in discomfort. Eventually, it got better..the days went by and still, you wait. Results can take up to a week, or in my case- 2! But there were the words I'd waited for, It's Benign! A sigh of relief, a tear of joy and a moment of shock as I realized I had sat for 3 weeks completely detached from life.
Thinking today, I can't help but wonder of the lady that was in pre op next to me- getting her biopsy for breast cancer, this wasn't her first round- and I can only hope she heard "It's benign" too. So many people are touched by the affects of cancer. So many people go about life with cancer as though they are perfectly healthy, and there I sat, perfectly healthy and was unable to go about life! I imagine, had my circumstances been different, my attitude would have reflected the strength I know exists within, and I would have picked up and lived life too.
We have to appreciate each day. We take life for granted, we take each other for granted. We must continue to love, the easiest to the most unlovable, we love. Holding on to one another, smiliing at each other. Life is so unpredictable. How does one know that tomorrow, it won't all change? We don't know. There are no guarantees, the only thing you can be assured of, is this one moment. If we are to busy to stop and live in that moment, we only miss all we were weren't to enjoy, or laugh at or cry over, or shake our heads about.
Precious is the most tender, loving word. Precious was my 1 lb grand daughter..precious was holding my children for the first time, precious is the moment my husband sofly caresses me, precious is a life that may not always be what we think precious should like, but that's exactly what it is. Take time to love, to say thank you, to appreciate, to enjoy, to just live.... Take the time now- because you never know what tomorrow might bring!