The Bipolar Christian
Hear Lisa's personal story of the winning battle of the bipolar mind- one challenge at a time, one day at a time.
Understanding God as our Healer, our Counselor and our great Provider! -
Forgiveness, Fear, and other ways we're held back.
Lisa shares some significant traumatic events of her past, and the road God led her down to a complete healing. "The key is to release to God that which holds us back. We can't experience freedom if we are still grasping on to the pains of our past." God is the I AM- not the "I was"!
New me, take 1
Lisa reveals the challenges of not allowing our past to dictate our our new selves, and taking the next step after receiving Christ and maneuvering through your new life- renewed and invigorated by the Holy Spirit!
...see the page "My Story-God's Glory" for additional information.
Latest comments
Thank you Barbie! Sorry I didn't see your comment sooner.
Thank you Esther! Sorry I didn't see your comment-this would be why I'm moving my content!
Amen Susan! It was a healing. Never thought of it like that! Thank you!
Thank you Lesley. I think this is more of a confession than anything. It doesn't seem I should have to try to pray, but it's the truth. We all have things to overcome, it takes persistence! God bless!