Aug. 4, 2017

Overcoming the Silence

Ready. Set. GO!

I’ve been struggling in my prayer life for a while. It began a couple years ago when I had fallen into a very deep and dark depression (I have bipolar, so this happens).. I struggled to pray. Even in the past, when this came up, I could muster the words, “I still believe”- when tragedy struck my home after a home invasion, these were my only prayers for months. It is understandable in these painful moments of life. What about the times that aren’t painful, that for some reason, you just can’t get it done, you just stop trying?

If you remain faithful, God will always help you through.

A few months ago I began praying specific to my 1 lb granddaughter’s survival, and realized I can do this, and praying gave me peace. Who doesn’t want peace? I had to be more intentional and try. So I began talking to God about life- the intentional part began with just making sure I was talking to him. Slowly, day after day, we had our lovely chat. Maybe it wasn’t what others deem ‘meaningful’ prayer, but it was a start. It felt amazing to be consistent and persistent in my efforts!

Then I decided to try something new- I boosted a post on facebook to specifically ask my followers how I can pray for them. I had an amazing turn out, and would go back in the Sanctuary and pray through the many requests that had come through. I could feel God working for them, and for me, in that quiet time.

Little by little I have been able to increase my prayer life, boldly. Through not fearing the ‘try’, I have been able to experience the closeness and intimate relationship through prayer that God wants to share with us. This morning, without any thought, I was able to simply say thank you to God for pointing out a bulletin error- it’s nothing big, just a small prayer of thanks. But I was excited because I know how hard I have tried to get here- to know how important our conversations with God are, even the smallest ones.

If you want to grow- He is ready to help!

God Bless!

 I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung for full details and rules (well the one rule).

All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!


Jul. 28, 2017

Inspire Change

Be inspired, simply blessed..
By what is called, a downright mess.
Create beauty,
from trash left behind.
There, before you know it,
Is a priceless one of a kind.
Inspire the smallest child,
But first they'll inspire you.
It's a gift that God has placed,
in hearts that are truer than true.
Inspire change you thought you'd never see..
The caged bird released,
Now flying free.
And now inspiring another, forward the kindness goes.
Circling forever, an inspired globe.
Hear the music play, a melody so sweet,
Inspires another's heart, to carry on and beat.
And through the light that travels far, where vision cannot see.
Will be the light that brightly shines, and often inspires me.




Jul. 21, 2017

What Will You Collect?

The word collect for me truly brings up garbage. Yes, garbage.

I’ve journeyed through life picking up both small and large pieces of garbage and setting it out on the curb, I left it there for the trash man to pick up. Do you know who the trash man is?


And he loves this job!

We can carry our garbage if we so choose, this is true, but it’s not God’s plan. It’s not his plan for us to walk around with a hundred pounds of weight of old, stale and unnecessary garbage thrown over our shoulders. Do you know what that weight does to us? It makes us slouch and take on a 'posture of defeat'.

Carrying this load exhausts even the most energetic Christian out there!

You can collect many things in this life. Beautiful art, beautiful memories, beautiful people forever put upon our heart, but you don’t need to collect the garbage of your past, of yesterday, or today. You are not meant to live in the chaos of trash. You were never meant for the load.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

If you want to collect something, collect God’s Word into your heart, allowing it to always be pressing into your mind.

Your mind is where you probably need the most rest. (Right!)

Keep your mind free from the garbage- so that He can dwell there.

I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung for full details and rules (well the one rule).

All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!



May. 12, 2017

The Reality of the Title, "Mom".

It is Mother’s Day 2017, and it feels a bit like Mother’s Day 2013.

Both times in my life have been filled with praise and prayer, and fear overcome by faith. Two grandbabies, both had water break at 23 weeks, both born at 25 weeks, one is now 4 years old, one is almost one month old.

I am a mother, I am a nana. So when these things happen, I get a double dose of reality smacking in my face as I watch my daughter worry, and manage through the complications of premie life, and I watch the newest baby fight to breathe, to live. A double dose that is extremely difficult at times.

And then, I don’t want to be honest about it. I don’t want to share my heart pains, my tears, my truth.

I don’t want to appear weak, I don’t want anyone to mistake my emotions, my sadness, or my fear for lack of faith. When I have to fall into the arms of Jesus, rely on Him to take my own next breath, and talk to him more than I talk to anyone else, people don’t always understand, this IS faith!

As mom, we carry so very much on our shoulders, I’m not sure how, but we do it valiantly. So today, I’d like to tell you, you are doing an amazing job!

You are doing a great job living without sleep so you can care for your newborn baby.

You are doing a great job running in circles after a toddler that may not be in the mood to listen today.

You are doing a great job with the preschooler who may be more curious than your mom legs can keep up with.

You are doing a great job loving your child through the playground troubles they encounter today.

You are doing a great job sticking to your guns with the preteen who is convinced they should be treated like they are an adult.

You are doing a great job with the teenager that thinks they know more than you.

You are doing a great job mentally handling the empty nest created by growing children.

You are doing a great job supporting your adult child into life, marriage, parenthood.

You are doing a great job tending to your aging parents.

You have done a great job being a wife through it all!

We seem to handle mom-hood forever, in many ways, and our capacity to evolve through it is truly a miracle. I have no idea how others do it, but I press into Jesus!

So you see, we are bound to fall on our knees at some point. We are going to live through our weaknesses. We are going to survive the trials.

Because as a believer, we have everything we need for times such as these.

I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung for full details and rules (well the one rule).

All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!


May. 5, 2017


Interesting word this week.


I can conjure up images of a thousand ways to apply this, but today isn’t one of those days. I have no time to sit and ponder, consider and return to the should’s of yesteryear.

Here’s my week-

Phone call to my daughter from the NICU, where my 25 week born granddaughter fights for her life-

“You should get to the hospital. We advise you to not come alone.”

I should have had words of comfort, encouragement and prayer. Something.

But what I had, what was said, was simply, “I don’t understand.”

Lost in my own fear, and reeling from the spiral that we found ourselves in, I was lost.

Our drive was a quiet one. Her husband was already there, and didn’t make things better.

“Your heart will break when you see her.” Really? 

As if our heart wasn’t already being torn by the unknown.

Words like ventilator, kidney failure, dire, wait..haunted us all day long.

I should have handled things better? But I couldn’t stop the flowing tears. I don’t know, maybe I handled things just fine. Maybe I was supportive and don’t know it. But in my opinion, I should have been more.

I placed my hands over that innocent baby, and prayed. There is no ‘should’ when it came to doing what comes naturally. I may have learned new lessons on my personal ability to pray, maybe they were lessons I should have learned from in my past. Does that matter? I learned now.

By the love, comfort and healing of God, she made it through her first scare. All labs were normal, kidneys were functioning by nights end. I sat the next two days wondering if it was all a dream. Did Monday really happen?

Yes, it did. I should pay close attention.

God is good, all the time. In the best and worst situations- He is good. He is faithful and true. And when you pray, I suggest you believe in His ability, because he’ll remind you- but that is a story for another time.

You should hold this truth close to your heart. We all need it at some point.

Lisa @ AuthenticTruths

 I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung for full details and rules (well the one rule).

All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!