The Gift of Mom
I've learned that 'mom' doesn't end at mom- you have aunt, gram, nana, older sister, granny-then there is mom #2 to your children's friends, and then their kids...I'm not sure there is ever an end! The role of 'MOM' is a very big roll, in many dynamics. To all the mother's that love, pray, discipline, lead, listen, care for and teach the generations to come- We thank you!
That icky word- "Judgmental"
In our effort to show the world Christian love, to bring the Word to those who need it, and to share our faith with those who wonder, we have to remember to do all these things in love. We are held to a higher standard by Jesus, not the world. Our goal is to share a message of love, hope and redemption. Our message is hard to take if we sound more like a messenger of condemnation rather than redemption. Though it may not be intentional- we should be careful and wise when explaining why we believe as we do to a world that may not know the freedom in love of Jesus Christ!