May. 15, 2014

Giving something back to Jesus!!

It's Christmas time Jesus..down here on earth..
and though this time should be in memory of your birth.
We have a small tradition, of giving gifts away..
opening them excitedly, early on Christmas day.
So Lord, I thought this year, I wanted to include you on my list.
Not that you need a thing I know, but I'd love to give you a gift.
It may be torn a little, it's kind of old you see.
But I'd like you to have it, this special gift from me.
I don't have any fancy wrapping, no bows sweetly tied.
I don't even have a box to fit, I couldn't manage that if I tried.
There is no bubble wrap, it's no longer a breakable thing.
No tissue paper gently covering your gift, it's not as fragile as you'd think.
I really don't want to wait till Christmas, for you to have this gift.
I feel like a little child, with a big surprise to give.
So I thought about my timing, and know it's perfect indeed.
So Lord, here you go!! Your gift this year is ME!!!
I bet you never saw that coming, you probably had no clue.
But the greatest gift I ever received, just happens to be YOU!
So I thought, well, if this is how I feel, I imagine you might feel the same!
I know you already knew me, knew me by my name!
But tonight, while standing forgiven, I know that this is true.
You must be very happy, that my gift was me to you!!

Lisa Wenninger
May. 15, 2014

Give Me Mud!

I dont want to be blind.. I just want to see You..
Lord take the mud and wipe my eyes..
Let me be stripped of the blindness, that holds me back.
I want to be able to walk with eyes open wide.
Life's paths take me down roads I fear,
and Lord to get through those obstacles.
I ask You to make my vision clear.
So please take the mud, wipe these eyes for me.
As you did long ago, enabling the blind man to see.
By your grace and power, all things come clear.
When I believe in you Jesus..I see...and live.
I stand tall, and look around..each step I now take without fear.
To be blind meant solitude in darkness, but now I see the light.
With freedom to see, I give thanks to you Jesus.
The mud that repaired my sight.

John 9

Lisa Wenninger
May. 15, 2014

Galatians 5:14

Galatians 5:14..The entire law is summed up by one command:
Love your neighbor as yourself..
Do these words fall on deaf ears?
Do they come across as strange or unrealistic?
Are you threatened by this order from our God?
Does it seem to difficult to accomplish?
Fear not, for your God is with you.
He can remedy your fear to love.
He can calm your anxiety to love.
Our Lord is all powerful, he has the strength to make you love.
He has the power to change your heart.
He is love... He is love..He is love..
Galatians 5:14..Love your neighbor as yourself!

Lisa Wenninger
May. 15, 2014

Fill me Father

Father, fill me with your spirit, fill me Father, please.
Just give me what I need to find the following day.
Yes Father, fill me with your wisdom, fill me Father please.
For I can not walk without you, only you can guide my way.
The path is unsure when my eyes are not set on you.
So Father please guide me through all I set out to do.
The day is long, the hours so slow.
Fill me Father, please, so I know the pace to go.
Keep my chin held high, my eyes looking ahead.
Living in the worlds chaos, yet focused on You instead.
Fill me Father, fill me with your mighty power.
That I remember your love and mercy through each working hour.
Oh yes, fill me Lord, with the most important desire.
Let me stand tall in You, the Almighty, filled with fire.
And when my shoulders fall, and the work is hard to do.
Just carry me Father, and fill me, with You.
Your hands are never tired, Your grace never low.
Fill me Father, for in you I feel my abilities only grow.
Life is a daily battle, and when I think I left my armor behind.
Alas, you are there, to fill me Father, in my heart and in my mind.
With this I go, another day ahead, but just one last plea.
O Father of spirit, love, mercy, patience, please, fill me.

Lisa Wenninger
May. 15, 2014

Don't Cry for Me

It's never an easy road, we all know this to be true.
Fought the fight time and again, through and through.
The strength rises up, and conquers what comes my way.
So through the trials I face right now, don't cry for me today.
This lifes roads seem bumpy, the grade increases through the time.
Just when I think there's no more, ahead I find another climb.
I hollar out into the night "I can not take no more!"
When suddenly the climb ends, and I find myself a door.
Turning the handle slowly, afraid of what I'll see.
Sure enough, another obstacle, but don't you cry for me.
For the Lord has filled me daily, and I have all that it will take.
If I stay focused on Him, then there is nothing here at stake.
For the greatest gift has been given, and I received it long ago.
So the things that can be lost, truly mean nothing, I know.
What really matters in life, is succeeding to the next.
Heavens gates shall open, I'll lay my head at Jesus chest.
So don't cry for me today, for what you see is small.
Nothing here on earth can fix it, but Jesus came and took it all.
Life is life, and dark at best, the light is only from above.
When the Lord looks down and comforts me, I feel His awesome love.
You may see my tears fall, and a sadness always on my face.
Rest assured in peace today, I'm well prepared for this race.
It seems amazing as we watch, so much I've been through.
Still, don't cry for me, pray for me, is all I ask from you.
There is always a lesson to be learned, and sometimes it seems so wrong.
But how else do we gain what God needs us to, that's why the road is long.
For His classroom is always open, the seat available for me.
I'd rather be sitting in His presence, then alone for eternity.
No tears need fall today, heads shake and wonder why.
Don't worry, don't lose sleep, and whatever you do, don't cry.
Today is the day he planned, so perfectly for me.
Whether tears are required or not, things are as they should be.
So when you sit down today, and wonder what happens now.
Know that I'm ready in my corner, He gets me through, some way, some how.
When things seem beyond what I can handle, and it just shouldn't be.
Then know, I'm not in charge, and don't you cry for me.

Lisa Wenninger