May. 14, 2014

Forgetting God-check

I woke this morning(that's always good)- check..
had breakfast ready on time-check
kids off to school (clean and clothed)- check
had umbrellas out for the afternoon storming..
oh no.. Lord I forgot to include you in my morning!

I vacuumed the house-check..
picked up the groceries needed- check
I did three loads of laundry(miracle)-check
I'm on a roll today!!
I can't remember, did I take time to pray?

Picked up the kids from school (on time)- check
Dropped the books at the library(only two days late)- check
Purchased supplies for projects- check
My day is certainly flying by!
Oh no..I forgot my private, devotional time!

Homework is complete- check
Snacks handed out (healthy ones too)- check
Dinner is started- check
Dog was walked(forgot the umbrella)- check
Ok.Lord..I will see you after we eat.
Do you think He minds if I wait for night to meet?

Dishes are done- check
Kids read for 20 minutes- check
Bathtime is over(will clean floors tomorrow)-check
All are tucked in (by nine)- check
That bed is calling my name, Lord, can we get together tomorrow at noon?
I'm sure I can find the time, is that ok with You?

Lisa Wenninger
May. 7, 2014

My All in All

Written 05/07/2014

May. 2, 2014

Confusion Lost to Praise!!

I guess it should be easy.. knowing just what to do..
I guess it should be easy.. worshipping with all we are, to You.
I guess it should be easy.. but some things just aren't so.
Easy is not a word in Your vocabulary, I know.
We think we've got it figured it out, do this and that, You've said.
But then we come to find, not all answers were among the verse we read.
So we talk to one another, and hope there might come the way.
I now know, that for everything, You didn't always have something to say.
So we walk through Christian walks, wanting to praise your name.
Whether instruments are there or not, our hearts should be the same.
And when communion is served, whether wafer, bread, passed or handed out.
What matters in that moment, is the remembrance of Christ, and all he was about.
And when it comes to financial means, this seems to be hard for some to understand.
But I ask each and everyone of us, with all He gave, why should this be so hard for man.
A dollar here and there, twenty, fifty, or more.
Give with all your heart, everything to the Lord.
And do not judge another, do not claim to think it is easy for them.
Do not think because one gives more then another, that giving is something all families comprehend.
Do not think because one gives less, their contribution is less then significant.
For all of one is something beautiful, and simply quite brilliant.
Praise God for all the blessings, you have been given by His love.
Praise God for the blessings of your friend and other loved ones.
Praise God for the music you know and love to hear.
Praise God for the times He was silent, but always caught your tears.
Praise God today, when everything seems to good.
And praise God tomorrow, when everything can crash, as only life on earth would.
Praise God for your abilities, the gifts He named to you!
Praise God for others, who easily do what you can't do!
This should be so easy, every day and all the night.
Praising God in all we do, and you will know that you've done right!

Lisa Wenninger
May. 2, 2014


Another obstacle, another day.
Another opportunity for God to lead the way.
Another hurt, another sigh.
Another chance to wonder why.
Another grin, knowing He's near.
Another moment, for letting go fear.
Another praise, even though it's tough.
Another lesson in life, always a must.
Another chance to hold his hand, or
Another footprints in the sand.
Another experience, in another scare.
Another time of gratefulness, and hearts laid bare.
Another bit of anger, and a heated conversation with God.
Another rant and rave, as He looks on and nods.
Another time to cry, wishing I could take it away.
Another night of sleeplessness, into another day.
Another prayer, for comfort and to heal.
Another belief, that He is here, still.
Another breath, knowing He's here now.
Another joy filled heart, even when I'm not sure how.
Another Spirit filled worship, for the greatest name on high.
Another life restored, by my Savior, Lord of All, Jesus Christ.

Lisa Wenninger
May. 2, 2014

And the Hero cried..

I sat award show of some kind..
not just any show I came across..
was one of honoring heroes...heroes that cried and cried..
Not one could take the stage, without a tear
to offer hence..
not one could say thanks..for what their contribution gives.
I saw the man with tears on cheek..
who brought limbs to those in need..
he made them there in Georgia..
but delivered them abroad..
and as those tears fell tonight..
I could do nothing but join along.
He cried his love for those men and women..
the ones that needed him so..
He couldn't just give thanks for that award..
His heart will never let go.
I saw his deep compassion, and worthiness
I had no doubt..
And if ever an award could portray our Jesus..
this one is what it's all about.
I saw that man upon that stage..
I heard the words he spoke.
But the only thing that I could see..
was God on high, the glory given..
as on each word, he choked.
He had to take a pause..
just had to take a breath...
God has blessed me, he said over again..
As the tears rolled, silence not deaf..
for what the moment brought,
were some deep in thought..
of just what a hero does..
who a hero loves..
and how a hero cries..
how they touch a life...
they didn't set out for recognition..
no award could ever do..
what their hearts have brought them to..
Tears are cried in many arenas..
but a true hero cries for them..
the ones we walk past..the ones we seem to forget.
So many wait in anticipation, to receive any recognition..
But I stop in true apology..nothing as such should be mine..
Until I is the hero that loves so deep, they cried...

Lisa Wenninger