Forgetting God-check
I woke this morning(that's always good)- check..
Lisa Wenninger
had breakfast ready on time-check
kids off to school (clean and clothed)- check
had umbrellas out for the afternoon storming..
oh no.. Lord I forgot to include you in my morning!
I vacuumed the house-check..
picked up the groceries needed- check
I did three loads of laundry(miracle)-check
I'm on a roll today!!
I can't remember, did I take time to pray?
Picked up the kids from school (on time)- check
Dropped the books at the library(only two days late)- check
Purchased supplies for projects- check
My day is certainly flying by!
Oh no..I forgot my private, devotional time!
Homework is complete- check
Snacks handed out (healthy ones too)- check
Dinner is started- check
Dog was walked(forgot the umbrella)- check
Ok.Lord..I will see you after we eat.
Do you think He minds if I wait for night to meet?
Dishes are done- check
Kids read for 20 minutes- check
Bathtime is over(will clean floors tomorrow)-check
All are tucked in (by nine)- check
That bed is calling my name, Lord, can we get together tomorrow at noon?
I'm sure I can find the time, is that ok with You?