May. 2, 2014

A Hedge, Like Job's

Bless my family Lord,
I call upon your name...
Place a hedge of protection around them,
let them be covered by You.
Bless this family Lord, My God,
as you blessed Job's too..
Satan saw that hedge you placed upon,
the sons and daughters of Job..
Though Satan came against this man,
that may not seem fair to me..
First, he knew of your protection,
and he had to let them be..
He asked you to your face, my Lord,
"Did you not place that hedge there.."
I call upon Your name Dear God,
Let Satan know, they're in Your care..
Many read the book of Job, and know of
all the pain, but it's there in chapter 1, verse 10 I read,
the words my wisdom gained.
Before the trials came upon, and loss broke his heart.
Protection from Satan God supplied, Job prayed and did his part.
And Satan knew what God had done, and despised this loss of his..
So Lord, I pray protection, all around my husband and kids..
In Jesus Name, I come to You, with scripture from the Old...
I ask this blessing so humble, but Lord, I stand believing and bold...

Lisa Wenninger
May. 2, 2014

"Art"- by the Almighty

the sun has fallen behind the billowing clouds..
the pink and orange hues have infiltrated the skies..
the beauty of a sunset unfolds, right before my eyes..

as the shade of day fights to hold on..
yellow fades and in comes a misty blue..
and there to the east appears, a shiny sliver of the moon..

as the final moments close out for day..
the moon is shimmering overhead, quite clear..
I find it an obvious observation..God's brilliant gift is here..

and as if on cue, a simple twinkle on high...
God winked at me, with a single shining star...
just so I know, though I can't see him, He's never very far..

When the day falls below, and slowly leaves my sight...
When night comes forth when told, and I can see the dark..
God shares with me His beautiful display, what I choose to call, His art...

Lisa Wenninger
May. 1, 2014

Do Not Fear..

Do not fear, do not fear,
Written enough times to read for a year.
I do not fear giant crowds, or speaking truth to many.
I do not fear stepping out of comfort zones, done it plenty of times already.
I do not fear standing alone, in church or wherever I might be.
I do not fear crying alone, because it's never just me.
I do not fear taking the right, when everyone else chooses the wrong.
I do not fear walking away, even when the road home gets long.
I do not fear taking control, it's just a gift of mine.
I do not fear being patient, I have nothing here but time.
I do not fear taking up my cross daily, dying to myself.
I do not fear the moment I break down, and ask the Lord for help.
I do not fear sudden loss, God's time is always right.
I do not fear letting go, or having to say good bye.
But every day I wake, there is fear inside my heart.
I fear I'll never get His work done, this time we are apart.
I fear I'll never reach enough, never spread the Word as told.
I fear I'll miss the opportunity He gives me, and never be the clay to mold.
I fear I'll be angry, at a time when I should love.
I fear I'll lose one chance for the one He's thinking of.
I fear the door will open, and I will turn around and leave.
I fear the road He paved, will be the road I never see.
I fear I'll lack the wisdom, and the words I needed to share.
I fear when God needs me to, I will forget to truly care.
So many things I fear today, so many things I don't.
So many things I'll always do, and so many I won't.
It's just a lesson that I've learned, I'm growing every day.
To get this job done, He teaches me in every way.
That lessons come in every day life, some are hard to take.
Just when you think you've got it right, a new lesson He will make.
Every lesson brings you closer, so I'll always ask for more.
Fear not, do not worry, do not fear.... says the Lord.

May. 1, 2014

Destination: Home

No more poisons around..
Nothing to stop this heart..
No roads with stones to block..
nothing to endure our time apart..
When eyes have closed forever,
and the broken is left behind.
When times have ended abruptly,
home won't be hard to find.
The tempers no longer flair,
no need for tears of pain.
Disease and famine aren't there..
No nothing will ever be the same.
Those who fought hopelessness,
finally get to see.
All that God had in store..
for those who held one thought, to be free.
In Him we seek peace,
and it is what is found.
This life as we know it..
No longer matters, profound.
It takes just one moment,
and security is yours to hold.
When upon the final breath,
you find your way ....home.

Lisa Wenninger
May. 1, 2014

Could I Publicly Confess My Sin?

I sit so comfortable in my little old house..
My sins between God and I.
My face does not appear on the news,
but still the pain is mine.
The littlest ones to the biggest ones,
I confess I've committed them all.
Still those who publicly take their shame,
like me, stumble and fall.
There they are, on breaking news,
as though, they didn't already hurt.
Tis our media right in the middle,
reporting others sins, at work.
I wonder, if it was me, could I do it.
A press release could I give.
Having to declare in front of the world,
this is me, reporting to you, my sin.
Then watching every day,
as others judgement rolls on in.
It seems easier on me, then you,
as I privately confess my sin.
To the man I saw on my tv tonight,
The one who God also forgives.
Know that you have done no worse then me.
No greater sin is your's or mine, together we die then live.
Please know this person doesn't judge
and know that for you I pray.
God heard your confessing words tonight,
and by your side He'll stay.

Lisa Wenninger