Before I Start My Day!
Bless me Lord, today..abundantly I ask..
Lisa Wenninger
bless me Lord please, in any way you can.
But before you start your work today,
First bless my enemy, bless them in every way.
We may not get along so well, our difference cast a cloud,
but please Lord Father, bless them now.
Bless their drive out to work, their day and their night,
bless them in all they do, especially when we fight.
Forgive me Lord when I fail, to love as you tell me to.
Forgive me Lord when I let Satan outshine you.
Forgive me for those ungodly thoughts, the unrighteous me.
Forgive me when my words are sharp, hot tempered as can be.
Lord help me point the finger, no where else but home.
Help me see my flaws, and that this mind can roam.
Remind me to accept your forgiveness, realize that it's done.
You choose to forgive your children, and yes Lord, I'm one!
Remind me to love my neighbor, every day I breathe..
Just as you look this way, and simply love me!
Lord living isn't always easy..but it's easier this way..
When I stop and be honest with You, before I start my day!