May. 1, 2014

Before I Start My Day!

Bless me Lord, today..abundantly I ask..
bless me Lord please, in any way you can.
But before you start your work today,
First bless my enemy, bless them in every way.
We may not get along so well, our difference cast a cloud,
but please Lord Father, bless them now.
Bless their drive out to work, their day and their night,
bless them in all they do, especially when we fight.
Forgive me Lord when I fail, to love as you tell me to.
Forgive me Lord when I let Satan outshine you.
Forgive me for those ungodly thoughts, the unrighteous me.
Forgive me when my words are sharp, hot tempered as can be.
Lord help me point the finger, no where else but home.
Help me see my flaws, and that this mind can roam.
Remind me to accept your forgiveness, realize that it's done.
You choose to forgive your children, and yes Lord, I'm one!
Remind me to love my neighbor, every day I breathe..
Just as you look this way, and simply love me!
Lord living isn't always easy..but it's easier this way..
When I stop and be honest with You, before I start my day!

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 24, 2014

It's You!

I'm talking to you!
The uneducated..the unsure..
The over educated, the most confidant.
I'm talking to you!
The hurt, the abused..
the angered, the one filled with sorrow.
The one who cries, and
the one that laughs out loud.
I'm talking to you!
The one with so little money,
the one with to much money.
The one with no hope..
the one who's weeping alone.
You, it's you I am talking to.
The one drinking one more drink..
the one with the needle..or pills..
The one with a stranger in your bed.
I'm talking to you!
The one who blames everyone else for their misfortune.
The one who has overworked to prove their wrong.
The one who lies in bed all day, suicidal thoughts slowly winning.
The one who seeks blood, the one who freely gives their bodies!
It's you!
The one who is hard, and needs no one..
The one who clings to everyone.
The one who never smiles...
The one who has fought for a country, and forever changed.
I'm talking to you..
The one with children with many fathers.
The one who chose abortion, adoption..
the one whose child is no longer here.
To the one who can't forgive..
others or themselves.
The one who does not know..
The one who is aged,
the one that is new..
yes, I'm talking to you.
For the one who is imprisoned,
the ones who have reached the bottom,
and to those that reach the top..
It is you!
For whosoever believes in Jesus, shall not perish, but have everlasting life!
It is you!
Because God so loved the!

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 18, 2014


I am stronger than a lion on the prowl.
My claws need not strike in anger,
my gentleness will be fierce enough.
I am more beautiful than a billboard model.
I need no fashion, no glimmer,
no entourage, for I stand tall on a catwalk of truth.
I am one intelligent woman.
The wisdom I have doesn't come
with diploma's or degrees, that I place on a wall.
I am a scholar, for I strive to know the word of Jesus.
I am walking royalty.
I don't need a castle on a hill,
a ball to announce my coming.
My castle resides in the subdivision of heaven.
My royal ball will be alone, secluded,
dancing in the arms of Jesus.
I am far richer than the richest man on earth.
I have every necessity I will ever need,
I don't need to spend money to
accumulate useless materials.
My riches are grand, I am fulfilled.
I am a woman with faith...
I am strong, intelligent, gentle, royal, and rich.
I am compassionate, and beautiful, yet humble.
I am confident, for I rest in the arms of Jesus.
I am a woman of faith..I am blessed beyond all measure.
I have no doubt, no fear, I am forgiven, I forgive.
I have hope, I believe.
I have love. I have Jesus.
I am... a woman with faith.

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 18, 2014

I Can't..but He Can!

I thought, for the longest time, I had no gift to offer...
Only baggage from the past..
Time would carry on with no significance, as I gazed the hour glass.
I didn't believe that I could be, anything more then me..
I've come to find just how wrong I was,
as I engaged my God given ability.
I can't sing a tune, well perhaps while no one's around.
I can't play a note, I can't imagine how that would sound.
I'm not real good at greeting new faces,
I seem to have nothing to say.
And I'm really not the best at teaching children,
they tend to not obey.
This list could go on, of all I can not do..
a long list indeed.
However, the Lord has helped open these eyes..
open to all I couldn't see.
I can smile at anyone, and say good day,
How do you do?
I can stop and help a boy,
bend down and tie his shoe.
I can stand in the front row during worship,
and encourage the band on stage.
I can be a Christian, contagious
every day!!
I can bow my head and pray,
lift my words on high.
I can understand many of your troubles,
for many have blessed my life.
I can be there in a minute,
should you need a helping hand.
I can listen for hours when you need me...
long talks and tears I withstand.
There are many ways He uses me..
some I never know..
But I find the greatest gift He blessed me with..
to let God lead, as I let go!!

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 18, 2014

In Jesus Perfect Time

I don't need a stadium to get the message through..
I don't need a mountain top, to scream it loud enough at you.
My stage is every road I'm on,
Every hall I walk.
My stage is every dirt trail I tread..
Every walk, every step.
I am always out and on the move
a voice for Jesus, no matter what I do.
It is showing love to the unlovely.
Giving hope to the most unknowing.
Bringing a smile to the lost,
while showing them the way.
It is looking forward to tomorrow,
while sharing Jesus with you today.
It is sparing a dollar, just because I can.
Bringing a sense of worth to another man.
It is comfort of a hug.
Given with Jesus love.
It is my stage, my passion, my 'career'..
to remind you, though you can't see him, Jesus Christ is here!
It is realizing that a dream is often answered,
in ways we can not comprehend.
That all can be touched by Jesus, and you are the one He sends.
Don't miss the opportunity, waiting for something "more"..
Jesus prepares your stage daily, as He opens every door!

Lisa Wenninger