Mar. 18, 2014

A Prisoner Set Free

I've been a prisoner in this life..
Though not behind the bars of man..
And though I thought, there I'd stay..
Twas not God's mindful plan.
The chains that held my heart,
The gallows that cut my mind..
The poison that ran my veins..
Darkness rendered me blind..
I searched endlessly..
The key to unlock my cell..
What was found never fit..
Hopelessness ruled my hell..
No mans arms could wedge the lock..
No bottle could make it turn..
No pills would heed the click..
Hells fires earthly burn.
It was not found in over indulgence..
No success would over rule the day..
It came by quite a surprising turn,
When I let Jesus lead the way..
Simply falling upon my knees..
In wretched humble despair..
It was then I heard the sound of freedom..
Jesus' voice that filled the air..
Spiritual awakening, light within the dark..
Moments of life again, a simple breath.
It is the moment of redemption..
Arising out of death.
I knew where I had come from,
Just where this heart had been...
I know where I am headed to..
..And will not return again.
No need to live inside a cell,
Where Satan longs for me to be...
It's a life abundant, auspicious..
When Jesus set me free..

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 18, 2014

A Hedge, Like Job's

Bless my family Lord,
I call upon your name...
Place a hedge of protection around them,
let them be covered by You.
Bless this family Lord, My God,
as you blessed Job's too..
Satan saw that hedge you placed upon,
the sons and daughters of Job..
Though Satan came against this man,
that may not seem fair to me..
First, he knew of your protection,
and he had to let them be..
He asked you to your face, my Lord,
"Did you not place that hedge there.."
I call upon Your name Dear God,
Let Satan know, they're in Your care..
Many read the book of Job, and know of
all the pain, but it's there in chapter 1, verse 10 I read,
the words my wisdom gained.
Before the trials came upon, and loss broke his heart.
Protection from Satan God supplied, Job prayed and did his part.
And Satan knew what God had done, and despised this loss of his..
So Lord, I pray protection, all around my husband and kids..
In Jesus Name, I come to You, with scripture from the Old...
I ask this blessing so humble, but Lord, I stand believing and bold...

Job 1:5-10

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 18, 2014

"Art"- by the Almighty

the sun has fallen behind the billowing clouds..
the pink and orange hues have infiltrated the skies..
the beauty of a sunset unfolds, right before my eyes..

as the shade of day fights to hold on..
yellow fades and in comes a misty blue..
and there to the east appears, a shiny sliver of the moon..

as the final moments close out for day..
the moon is shimmering overhead, quite clear..
I find it an obvious observation..God's brilliant gift is here..

and as if on cue, a simple twinkle on high...
God winked at me, with a single shining star...
just so I know, though I can't see him, He's never very far..

When the day falls below, and slowly leaves my sight...
When night comes forth when told, and I can see the dark..
God shares with me His beautiful display, what I choose to call, His art...

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 17, 2014

Daddy's Girl

I have always thought myself strange, the odd one out.
While other girls were "daddy's girls", a father I had not.
And when dances were danced with daddy's, and sparkles in their eyes.
I sat back and wished for this dance, and hid behind a steel disguise.
When I heard of daddy's kisses and hugs and smiles,  
I wished I had this privilege, if only for a while.
I wished and wished, but never saw 'my' wishes come true.
I sat alone and decided to dream, the daddy I always knew.
A father's love is unmistakable and portrayed for all to see.
But the greatest love I've come to find, was always here for me.
The dance I thought I never had, I've been gliding to all along.
A princess, is my title, as we sway to the daddy song.
I feel the crown upon my head, I feel his hands in mine.
I feel him wipe my tears away, authority divine.
Then I see I am not strange, or odd, or out.
"I am adopted by the King," and this I will shout!
Proud of who I am, I never stand alone.
Always He is here with me, while upon his daddy throne.
And when you think you have no daddy, no father to guide your way.
Know, not only do you have a daddy, but a King in every way!

Mar. 16, 2014

She Stood Before The King!

The Book of Esther called to me... I read it again as told.
Amazed at one fact..God's name never mentioned, yet his message bold.
Torn from her home, had no say at all, King Xerxes required a queen,
Vashti lost her place on the thrown, disobeyed the king's decree.
Esther's beauty overwhelming, chosen as the bride to be.
I imagine her greatest gift, was not outward for kings to see.
Mordecai, her cousin, hands wringing, worried day and night.
Sat there at the kings gate, to know she was alright.
Haman thought to much of himself, bragged to all who'd hear.
One man would not bow, and seemed to have no fear.
"Kill the Jews," Haman cried, "No Jew deserves to live."
Not one, but all, shall see their death, because Mordecai would not homage give.
The king, no clue to Mordecai's gift, declared a day of death.
And Haman marched among his people, as though king were his title instead.
Mordecai pleaded with Esther, go before the king.
To do this act of disobedience meant one of two things.
Shall Xerxes raise his scepter, or death be given a queen.
Three days of fasting, and I'm sure time in prayer.
For when Esther approached her king, God had met her there.
One sleepless night the king discovered, what Mordecai had done.
When they conspired to kill the king, someone overheard, Mordecai was the one.
He told Esther, who told the king, Xerxes life was spared.
And while Haman constructed the gallows, Mordecai was honored there.
Esther sat with the king, and Haman, a banquet for them she gave.
Begging lives of the Jews be spared, her people must be saved.
"Who is it that wants their lives," asked the king of her.
"Haman, my king...this vile man.." declared Esther.
Then Haman's life was ended..his plan devised, failed.
It wasn't Haman held high, it was Mordecai, who prevailed.
Mordecai from the tribe of Ben, whose power reigned over the land.
Whose name brought fear, in ways only God will understand.
Two people used by God, to preserve His people and plan.
With mighty strength did Esther live to stand in world of man.

"And if I perish, I perish."- Queen Esther.