Mar. 18, 2014

In A Moment Before Suicide

it only takes a moment..
to leave it all behind..
to think that you are through,
visions of life now blind.
it only takes a moment,
to find the will to go..
a breath is of no worth,
is what you know.
the world has become distant,
and all are beyond your call.
when the darkest of dark has closed
within, and you want to leave it all.
it takes a second of your time,
to reach out for Him..
He was there when your
ending thoughts found
fruition to begin..
it only takes a moment,
to fall on bended knee..
though blind by pain,
He helps you through to see.
it only takes a moment,
to know that you are safe..
wrapped in arms of eternity..
no need to be brave.
He knows just where you are,
in the moment of death you seek..
He is the mightiest of mighties,
as you find your weakest of weak.
He is the breath of life, the
beat of your heart..
He is within, when
others seem so far.
it only takes a moment,
to know you'll make it through..
To believe,
God is in that moment,
right there with you.

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 18, 2014

Hold Dear The Moment

Thinking on things past, roads traveled, hour glass..
One might think it was hard, or long, or awkward.
I've yet to stop and really wonder, ponder the making of my life.
All I have to hold, memories that bring me to here.

Cherish the times have gone by, the moments still framed in my mind.
Hold fast the times I wished would pass, hold them close.
Before I blink a tired eye, and create more wrinkles of my time.
It passes, like the billow of clouds on rain filled day, it passes.

You cannot have another moment, or one that is gone.
Can't repeat the melody of a love filled, painful life song.
You cannot retrace those steps, won't find another road the same.
Once it's gone, it's gone, there is nowhere to find it again.

So hold dear the moment, worry not of tomorrow.
Thank God in heaven, for the blessing of life.
The blessing of hard times, and easy times, and sad times.
Thank God now, and hold dear the moment, when it is gone, it's gone.

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 18, 2014

And Know That I AM GOD

Being silent Lord..still...adoration I give
with not one word.
I sit..I hear the ticking of a clock,
the wave of the trees, a bird singing.
I sit silent. and I know.
I kneel, I bow my head,
I cherish this moment,
in silence.
Nothing screaming in my ear,
no images floating through my mind.
I sit and I know.
I hear the flow of the waterfall,
cascading gently down.
I sit..and kneel..and bow.
I raise my face towards the sky,
I feel the warmth of the sun..the heat of the day.
I remain silent, and I know.
The hairs are standing at full attention,
at the back of my neck
As I sit still, and I know.
My heart's beat is pounding in my chest,
As I sit silent, and I know.
The chills have gone up and down my arms,
and I smile, with not a sound.
And I know...still...silently..YOU ARE GOD!

Psalm 46:10

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 18, 2014

Church with no Walls!

wow, what a day...
God's glorious, creative display..
of love here and there..
of blessing everywhere..
O, what a day for church in the park..
God's divine presence, set apart.
from day to day meandering..
leaving no doubt to imagining..
of what the Spirit will bring..
when on our feet we sing..
Of God's glory.
Through Jesus' Story..
wow, what a splendid day..
When God shows the way..
For freedom to be in Christ..
Free to be alive!!
God's day right there with us..
When in Him we trust..
Worship can be so right..
anywhere God's Holiness we invite...
O what a day!! O what a day!

Lisa Wenninger
Mar. 18, 2014

Accumulating Snowfall Of Me!

On bended knee I choose to go..
Self encountered, like falling snow..
In the coldest of cold, it won't melt away..
But piles up night and day..
Just when you think it may stop..
Another foot, and you are caught.
No way to remove what stands to block your path..
When self is over absorbed, in Satan's wrath.

I choose to bow to God today..
I know I've got to find the way..
Remove the debris, which plagues deep..
Burying God's home, on my knees I weep.
One at a time, I give it all to Him..
A shovel of distraction, selfishness and sin..
I cry, "Lord, empty me, empty this heart..
Lord, fill me, I can not stand to be apart..
And when I'm filled like this, and frozen like snow..
The undesirable collection, has no where else to go..
So Father, empty me, please do what you must do..
To empty my rubbish and fill me with You!"

Each day may I remember, to give myself to Him..
To attempt to never be locked in again..
My own snowfall that's all about 'me'..
Rendering me blind, until Jesus I see..

Lisa Wenninger