Speak in Love, or forever hold your peace
Yep...I'm about to go there..
I read an article yesterday that featured a popular Christian blogger I know, and his support of our outgoing President. It was a basic apology for the dislike he endured, and gratitude for the graceful integrity by which our President has walked in for eight years. I appreciate his words, and I would agree, our President did carry himself with class, no matter what was coming at him from the throngs of supporters and non-supporters alike. As most Presidents deal with thrashing from both sides, in the battle to create balance in a country divided.
While I too came across sheer hate during this presidency, I can’t say it was always aimed at the color of anyone’s skin, or religious background, or any part of the personal person of President Obama. No, the majority of the anger and dislike came at the policies that have changed a nation, at the often unbalanced approach that seemed to unjustly marginalize many. Sure, there were racist lunatics running around screaming childishly, or ranting on social media about nonsense we don’t need to repeat. They are there, and they have always been there, they probably will always be there.
The one problem I have with such blogging is the glorifying that goes into the description of one man’s interpretation of hate. His words often insight hate in themselves! And are always directed at Christians, clumping all of us into one bad Christian category.
Why? Why is it necessary to give the riff raff even a small bit of attention.
There were many non-supporters who waited for years to see leadership in the areas they deemed important, but never saw it come to be. There were non-supporters praying night and day for our leaders to lay down their pride and arrogance, and take the bull by the horns to create bridges to healing the deep canyons of division in the fabric of this country. There are people who had no choice but to watch government get involved unnecessarily in areas that it doesn’t belong- removing power from the States- this is the United STATES of America- not the Giant America with some states!
As Christians, we all should be aiming at one thing, to know Jesus and love like him. So in love, and with respect, I call out certain Christian leaders to start leading by example. To stop using the small minority of lost souls that shout louder than we do, to stop throwing darts of shame and your own hate at those you call brothers and sisters in Christ. You can’t justify this sort of public writing (though it is your American right, by all means) as a way to teach. No ladies and gentlemen, this is a public announcement that clumps all of us “Christians” into one big box of hate.
I do not hate. As a matter of fact, I don’t personally know any Christians who hate. They don’t hate our outgoing President, or the incoming President (though I’ve seen the same amount of dislike, as eight years ago, towards Trump). They don’t hate gays, lesbians, bisexuals, black, Hispanic or mixed races. We do not hate humanity! And I’m tired of you saying we do!
The Christians I know love unconditionally. No matter the choice of lifestyle, they don’t hate the soul that lives in the lifestyle that they believe the Word of God doesn’t align with. When you are in Christ Jesus, there is no room for hate. Hate is darkness, and His light shines in the darkness!
I watched this past month as a local family lost every possession they had to a house fire, everything, and our family of Christ believers pulled together to raise enough funds in one day to cover finding a new home and accessories for that home. I watched a small group of Christ believing teenagers spend $56 to make sack lunches that they passed out to the homeless on the streets of Denver. I watched as meals were brought to a family in need twice a week. I attended a Blue Christmas meant to help support the hurting, grieving, and down trodden through the holidays. I could go on and on, but I don’t need to. We step out to care for the children of God while we are here walking this earth. This is love.
There are misguided Christians out there. They will miss the gift of love as they go about ranting and raving about their personal, non-biblical dislike for one thing or another, one person or another, but they are NOT the majority. Their judgment is not for me, and it is most certainly not for you. Some Christians leaders claim to disapprove of the hellfire and brimstone theology, but it is what I’ve seen poured out on their brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Their words don’t signify the few. No, they improperly point to all.
I too could apologize to the President of the United States for the disrespectful nature of some Americans, and I could salute his valiant efforts to be the better man. As a matter of fact, I just did.
Simply.. and without vilifying Christians or any other religious group for that matter.
You cannot share a message of love when it is filled with so much hate. The two cannot exist.
Love wins.