Jul. 19, 2016

Here She Comes with that Bible again!

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NLT)

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

When I opened my eyes and began to look up to God rather than in at myself, I found a lot of knowledge and wisdom I never even knew I was missing.

Life happens. It happens every minute of every day. While I was gaining so much insight into survival in this world, I really had this false comfort in what I’d come to learn through my own personal life experiences. I’ve been through a lot in my lifetime, and perhaps I’d even gotten cocky in my knowledge, but God has a way of showing us how little we know, and how small one experience can be in the grand scheme of His plan.

I confess I’ve not dedicated enough of my time to reading God’s word. I took part in studies that required my efforts in reading the Bible, and I read here and there over time. It’s not like I completely ignored it, but it wasn’t my priority, as I now believe it should have been for many years. There have been seasons that my Bible was my companion in every way- the many notes, highlights, and a very used Bible will indicate that, but seasons are seasons, and they come and go.

2 Timothy gives us a good explanation why the Scriptures are necessary in our lives. They are inspired by God and useful to teach us. They give us a deeper insight into our personal lives, correcting what is wrong, explaining what is right, preparing us and equipping us to do HIS good work. Our instruction manual for life, it is the only one we get that is truly breathed through the love of our Almighty Father.

Our world has changed so much over the last five decades. Some good and some bad has come through progress. In many ways, the forward progress of many social issues has sent us railing backwards. In other ways, the movement has ushered us forward into a worldly view of things that no longer believes the inspired word of God is necessary or applies to our daily lives. I’ve seen it. I’ve read the Scriptures, and I believe there are many black and white matters that have become gray in the world. I’ve seen personal agenda and opinion not agree with Scripture, therefore it is twisted and turned into something that more closely parallels those opinions of certain matters, which is a desperate attempt at some sort of divine justification.

God’s word is the same today as it has always been. It will never change. Nothing in this world will change it. They’ve tried..for centuries. They’ve failed. The more we’ve gained monetarily, we’ve pulled away from God. The more we enjoyed the pleasures of this world, we’ve pulled away from God. The more we sought selfish desires and needs, we’ve pulled away from God. The first step in pulling away, is ignoring His word. Why was His word ignored? Because it’s hard to roll in the filth when you know His truth, His love, His absolute best is far from what might feel good in the moment. It is always about a choice. And the world has chosen to turn away.

Women carry large purses these days, filled with junk. Mostly items for our vanity. What we need to carry is the Bible. I remember hearing people use the phrase, “I don’t need no Bible thumper telling me how to live.”

We were never ‘Bible thumpers telling people how to live’...

We will always be God’s children, sharing His message with a world in need!

Don’t let the world tell you any different!


Jun. 24, 2016

Cancer Sucks!

You won't typically see words like this on my page..I'm not one to really say things this way..but in being authentic, and needing to write, I'm saying it like it is in this moment.

Cancer sucks.

In the last month I've lost two people, who impacted my life, to cancer. One I've known near 24 years, another I've known for only two. Yet, both hurt the same.

I've now prayed a sweet good bye, said all the thanks I wanted to say, and shed tears because, darn it, it hurts. And here I sit, understanding and not understanding.

One friend was diagnosed 11 months ago, one diagnosed almost 11 weeks ago. One man, one woman. Two different types of cancer. From two different areas of the state.

Cancer does not discriminate. It is quite inclusive. It comes fast, or goes slow. It can claim one organ, or many. Cancer sucks.

I know my friends are now in true peace, having experienced their first encounter with Jesus. They are pain free, they are energized, singing with the angels. They are home. Where they belong.

Here I sit. I miss her face, her voice, her smile, her visits.

I miss the comfort of knowing he was there, and he loved me. Yes, me. He was one part of this family that took me in and showed me something amazing - unconditional love.

Cancer begins with one small cell, and changes entire lives. We are left behind to grieve. In that grief are brief periods of peace, for their discomfort is no more. And in those periods is pain, their presence is no more.

We may be lost in emotion, but we are found in rejoicing. Where they are is now our longing, but until then, we keep living.

I have been blessed by their friendship.

I have been blessed by their love.

Authentic Truths

Jun. 14, 2016


We are not afraid.

You can use whoever you want to come at us, we won't stop.
Our mission, as we've accepted it, is to go out into ALL the world, and make disciples of ALL the people, and to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You have NO power here. Your name is nothing but a vapor in the wind. Today, around this big world where you roam, many will be SAVED by the blood of Jesus Christ, many will accept HIM into their heart, many will forever leave you in the dust, and yes, your own pawn pieces are transforming their lives by making decisions for Christ, every day!

You have no power here.

You can brainwash a religious people into hate with your 'radical agenda', push your 'radical beliefs' into the mind of the vulnerable. You are using the weak in hopes of building something strong. You will fail.

For those of us who are willing, we are the ones getting stronger. With every attack, we mobilize in unity to share the good news. The good news of Jesus Christ and HIS mighty power! A love so unprecedented, many still can't understand, over 2.000 years later, why He did it!

You ask 'them' daily to die for you, when He chose one day in time, to die for us! That is power, that is love, and it is one thing you will never have.

Believers have no fear of death. Believers have no fear in living.
We live for Christ, and when our last breath escapes our lips, it is home we have to look forward to.
There is no fear to live or to die.

You create chaos.
Jesus restores the calm of our lives, as he restored the calm to the sea.

We unite as one family armed with the armor of God. Do you seriously think a gun frightens God's soldiers? Do you think a sword puts fear into the fearless? No earthly weapon formed against us shall proper- the victory has already been won!

You tried. You gave it your best effort, and Jesus lived! You couldn't do it, you failed! He rose! He's alive!

Your hate-filled army of masked followers doesn't frighten us. As a matter of fact, we plead the blood of Jesus over each and every heart! And you have no power to stop us! Are your ears ringing with the inability to stop the voice of the believers?

So, be gone, or stay. But know that we are not afraid of you, and will never be afraid of you.

We are Christians- believers in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who battled the grave, and on the third day, rose in victory!

No, we are not afraid.

-The Lord's Army

Jun. 10, 2016

A Christian Response to a Secular Ruling

I'm trying with all my heart to withhold what could be said of this father and son. But I will rise above the disgust and anger and say what must be said with grace, love and forgiveness.

This father's attempt, which worked as far as punishment goes, to negate his son's vicious and heinous crime, to bring some sort of spotlight on his 'poor' child, to rename the victim in this case, as his son, has left me hurt.
Furthermore, to watch as a judge gave in to the father's plea, a plea that included a summary of "20 minutes of action"..is troublesome. Rape, dear sir, is a crime.

However, if you read the victim's statement, which she read herself to the guilty party, you would hear words of grace, and eloquence. A true champion of survival.

The saddest part of this story, in my opinion, is the lack of remorse on behalf of this young man. He's yet to admit his guilt, therefore, how can he be remorseful? Though his father convinced a judge he was quite sorry for what happened that night.

This, my friends, is where society has gone. We've raised generations with no significant care for humanity. People are more likely to gently care for their I-phone before they will care for another human being. The stone wall that has been erected around the hearts of people keeps out compassion, integrity, decency, honesty, and love for one another.

This young man moved forward into the act of raping a young lady without one thought of his consequence. He ran away when caught, and never admitted it was rape. He is given a light sentence of six months, when she is now sentenced to a lifetime of a deep wound that will never completely heal. As she said, he's stripped of those luxuries of being a Stanford star athlete, she was stripped of a small piece from within.

Where has accountability gone? Where is that inner voice that reminds people "this is wrong"? Where is the strength to stand up against evil? In our own lives and around our lives?
This young man ignored every internal sign, as the lust and evil took over.

This is sin.

When we intentionally choose what is against God, it is sin. While his sin is now being advertised on social media, and getting read worldwide, it's no different from any other sin.

We, as a world community, have fought each other from the beginning of time. We can read of the lack of respect for others in the popular Bible story of Moses, where one specific group of people were slaves to another. It's an old story still found today in the hearts of many.

This young man threw away his obligation to love one another. But it turns out, this entire world has places where people refuse to love one another. He is simply the example of a much larger problem within humanity.

We see a general lack of compassion for each other on a daily basis. People say it's getting worse.

Hearts have turned away from Jesus. Many people over the past half century sat back and watched as God was stripped from many areas of our world. Silently watching, and quietly praying, but never actively fighting back. So now, here we are.

Our world has changed. Our hearts have hardened, become indifferent, and it is an obvious problem. People say they believe in God, but pursue relationships and prioritize life without intentionally pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ.

The deeper I go with Jesus, the more love I have for you. Does this young man know Jesus Christ, I'm not sure. Does his father know Jesus, we may never know. But for the people out there, who, in all honesty, are quite upset by both of their lack of responsibility in this crime, we must remember to lead by example, to live Christ outloud to a world in need. If they don't know Jesus Christ, it seems now is a great time to meet him.

Yes, it is our responsibility to share the good news with rapists and murderers, and everyone else out there who may not know him. We don't get to discriminate in who meets Jesus, it's our job to introduce.

People matter.
Women matter.
Men matter.
the story...

May. 24, 2016

Unworthy? According to who?

I try not to engage in social media debates too often. Why? Honestly, many views have points that are true, and untrue. I can agree and not agree all in one comment! So if I can see both sides, why engage?

Recently, we’ve experienced a hotter than usual topic circulating the blogging scene. It is one I choose to stay far away from. Yet, every day, it comes across my news feeds on multiple sites, and begs for a response. While I won’t give a response that is too long for anyone to stay interested on Facebook, or a response that is 140 characters or less on Twitter, I will make a semi shortened statement here..

A statement that will represent my thinking, my understanding and my interpretation…

I once had NO idea who Jesus Christ was. I had no inclination that the Son of man wanted a relationship with me. As a matter of fact, there was a time that I would never have thought I was worthy to be loved in the way Jesus longs to love each and every person of this world.

No. I was a lost soul. I had been broken at a very young age, and carried that brokenness into my young adulthood. I sought love in many ways, but never found satisfaction. I also sought destruction. I was convinced that I had nothing to offer this world, I was beyond repair, and life didn’t want me. Suicidal thoughts often enveloped me in a false sense of security. I made attempts at ending my life, though I (obviously) never succeeded.

It wasn’t until my mid 20’s that one believer in Jesus Christ saw me, and acknowledged me as I was. The lost and broken, but worthy, child of God. She didn’t see a waste when she looked at me. She didn’t tell me I needed to get over the past, she lovingly explained the concept of redeemed. She didn’t shove her Bible at me yelling of sin and wrath. She lovingly gave me my first Bible and said, “Please, read this love story.” She took my hand and led me into her church, when others made me feel I didn’t belong there, she welcomed me into His presence, with her.

This is being Jesus Christ. This is going out into the world and making disciples. This is sharing the gospel message of mercy, grace, love and forgiveness. This is the being real and authentic. This is coming along side God’s daughter and taking my hand and walking the journey with me.

To be honest, I probably never would have entered a church without my friend Kellie there. I never would have begun the study of who Jesus Christ is, and who I am to him. I never would have been baptized, or began teaching children, then adults. I never would have this relationship I do today, if she hadn’t looked at that young, broken girl and said, “Let me tell you just how loved you are!”

While you are busy fighting among each other about bathrooms, there are people out there just trying to survive. People who do not know just how loved they are. Men and women who have yet to understand that death and resurrection of one man, that would change the world forever.

His story was meant to be shared. He didn’t like sin, no. Because sin separates us from God. So he loved us all through our sin and then instructed us to go, and sin no more. He called people out in their sin. He gently told people what no one else knew. It wasn’t meant to be a public scolding, it was simply love helping us out. And one time, in public, the scolding went towards the accusers! How does that touch your heart? (John 8)

If Jesus could love all, no matter their past, shouldn’t we be doing the same?

We all have a past. We all know the story of redemption. We all have love to give.