This word could probably be the definition of society today.
Well…most of society.
More space, more food, more time… the endless request for more is exhausting.
Let me tell you about the precious moments of the last month of my life. Moments that left me wanting more, wanting less and somewhere in between.
My daughter went into labor at 23 weeks in the beginning of April. Her water broke, and she was placed in the hospital under 24 hour care and bed rest. She fought long and hard for two weeks to keep the baby in there, and give her sweet daughter ‘more’ time to grow. But her body had decided it was time.
We’ve been down this micro-premie road before, as my four year old granddaughter made the EXACT same entrance, at the SAME EXACT time during the pregnancy. So we had certain expectations, though every experience is new and should be treated with delicate respect.
She was born on Resurrection Sunday!
She weighed 1.12 lb.
She can fit in our hand.
She wiggles nonstop, and has done remarkable from day one.
As we watch her fight and take this time to continue to develop and grow, life seems so very small, and in many ways, we value the idea of less. Because there she is, this tiny life, breathing on her own, taking in more and more calories daily, and every day for her is about more, in ways most people on this earth will never know and can often, not imagine.
God gives us exactly what we need in this life. From the simple breath, to the sustenance only a mother can provide. God has made perfection exist in an imperfect world. But it is our responsibility to see it, to take it in and to cherish it as the gift it is. While we are so busy wanting more, His provision in every moment is all we need. Let’s not confuse the two.
Let’s not leave the blessing untouched, for it is meant for you and your heart- to simply give you more of Him.
I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung for full details and rules (well the one rule).
All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!