Sit back, relax and Breathe
Well, I’m trying.
I spent my week being told I didn’t exist, so why breathe? (haha!).. My name was changed at the age of four- back before computers were the thing. Mom took my formal court documents to Vital Records, and they examined them and produced my new birth certificate with my new awesome name-Lisa. But somehow, that lady forgot to file that change (today, we'd say she didn't hit save), and 40 some years later, when I misplaced my birth certificate, they have NO record of a ‘Lisa’. I can, however, pick up a copy of my birth name-the one with no ties to my life, like..ever.
So I sat in a panic, and probably forgot to BREATHE. I need to apply for my passport this week, I need that document. But more importantly, I need to be me. I don’t want to pay money to the courts to say, this is me, who I’ve ALWAYS been- see, I’m married now, but that name on my marriage certificate proves I once was Lisa, with a maiden name. See, I have a social security card with my new name on it, proving I had a birth certificate at some point with my NEW name. It was a battle over the phone to get anyone to comprehend I existed, with a new name, that I once had a birth certificate for!
Breathe. When life feels like everything is chaos, and you are being spun in unseen directions by invisible hands. Breathe. When this world wants to strike your identity from existence..Breathe.
Breathe in deep and take in the power of the Holy Spirit, that love that indwells your being to the core of all you are. Breathe in HIS truth and your identity in CHRIST ALONE- for it’s there you find your worth, your purpose, your everything.
(and because I was busy Friday trying to prove I’m me, this is being submitted on Tuesday)
I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung for full details and rules (well the one rule).
All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!