May. 27, 2016

A Cheer for the Lost

I’ve always been an avid supporter of our Veterans. As a young girl I understood that these men and women once made the decision to be a defender of the United States of America, and I had a deep respect and appreciation for what they did.

I have made a point to cheer for any and every vet I know. I ‘adopted’ a soldier in 2006 as my penpal and hero. I wrote letters a couple times a week, and I was one of the fortunate penpals, as he wrote back. Every letter was ended with a sincere sharing of my gratitude and a cheer of how proud I was, finished with, “I will write soon, thank you, my hero”.

In May 2007, I received a letter that was a bit more down than usual. A letter that actually gave me chills. He explained that things had changed in his area, and he may not be able to write as often. He also said the skies were lighting up and often it sounded like thunder rolling in.

I know the tears that fell from my eyes that day were tears of love. Love for a man I never met, but one I cherished for his commitment to me, to you and his country.

On May 28, 2007, Alexandre and five other of his brothers were killed in action when their Humvee was hit by an I.E.D.



The representative from Soldier’s Angels (the organization that linked Alexandre and I) had a horrific job to do. They picked up their phone, and called me. As I heard the words, “I’m so sorry to inform you that Alex was killed last week”, I was heartbroken. The cheer that I had lifted for months was now a sob, a deep pain that left me breathless and on my knees. Even as I share this with you today, I have tears in my eyes.

Don’t ever stop the cheering for our brave men and women, who choose to serve their country. It doesn’t matter what you think of the cause of the day, who the President of the United States is, because at the end of the day, they are just doing the job they signed up to do. They are there to serve and protect the United States of America. Cheer them on, and most importantly, give them your love.

R.I.P. Alexandre Alexeev..  you are deeply missed my hero.

May. 20, 2016

What I Didn't Know to Expect

I didn’t expect to lose myself in the love that would eventually envelope me. But I did.

I didn’t expect to lose my pain through the forgiveness that overwhelmed me. But I did.

I didn’t expect to be transformed by the grace that covered me. But I was.

I didn’t expect to feel clean again by the blood that washed me. But I do.

I didn’t expect to be amazed by the power that drives me. But I am.

I didn’t expect to be comfortable out of the box I thought would protect me. But I am.

I didn’t expect to use my voice for God. But I do.

I didn’t expect to share my story with the world. But I will.

I didn’t expect to inspire others to believe. But I do.

I didn’t expect to be whole again. But I am.

I didn’t expect to trust in Jesus Christ completely. But I do.

I didn’t expect to be accepted in my sin. But I was.

I didn’t expect to want to change my ways. But I have.

I didn’t expect to talk to God. But I do.

I didn’t expect to hear God speak to me. But I have.

I didn’t expect to understand HOPE. But I do.

I didn’t expect my faith to carry me. But it does.

I didn’t expect to die to myself every day. But I do.

Expect great things when you are in Christ Jesus!

I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, who recently took over for the creator of Five Minute Friday (link below) for full details and rules (well the one rule). 

All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!


May. 6, 2016

The Roses of my Heart

I won’t be gone long. But in that time I will miss Mother’s day, and I will miss my daughter’s birthday.  One week away. It’s a deserved break, a vacation from the everyday life. A chance to relax, renew and release. I need this one week.  Still….

Last year, my mom survived a heart attack. A year ago this week. I learned many valuable lessons a year ago. One was, I don’t want to miss a thing. So it’s not easy to be gone and miss the day meant to honor her, while I’m sitting on a beach thousands of miles away. I will miss my mom this Mother’s day, but I do promise her that I will spend a wonderful, and special day with her when I return.

Last year, my daughter went through some life lessons that have opened her eyes, her heart and, while difficult, slowly began to strengthen her in areas that will lead to success every day. Her birthday is May 12, and I am about to miss it. I won’t be here to tell her I’m proud of the 23 year old she is, the mother she is- especially proud of the mother she is. I will miss the opportunity to spend this special day with her.

These two women in my life, my mom before me, my daughter after me, and both made me who I am today. Their love has carried me, our disagreements have enlightened me, their laughter fills me, and our commitment to each other comforts me. Together we all make up the fabric of family, though we are small pieces of the whole (we have a big family)..  we are specially bonded by the strands of connection that go from one mother to another to another.. and now..  my daughter, to her daughter.. Four generations.. It’s time for a four a generation picture!

Don’t take your mother for granted. One day, she won’t be here anymore, and you can’t stop that day. You won’t have her there to listen, to laugh, to cry, or to love. So enjoy every moment today.

Don’t take your daughter for granted. One day, she will grow into a lovely woman, and have her own daughter, and the sweet moments of her youth, will pass.

Love deeply.

I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, who recently took over for the creator of Five Minute Friday (link below) for full details and rules (well the one rule). 

All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!

Apr. 29, 2016

Looking for a PASS..

There’s a bit of exhaustion that has settled deep into my heart. The challenges of parenting have taken their toll, and I can physically feel the pressure. The burden of the invisible weights I carry has led me to a point of surrender, and so, here I am.

Still, with all the clutter and chaos in my mind, the ‘what if’s’, the ‘if only’s’.. I don’t get a pass. This is no game show, and there is no magic button to halt the journey.

We, as parents, don’t get a pass, a do over, or a life line. We are here, in the midst of not only our life and choices, but their life and their choices, whether or not we accepted the invitation, or signed on the dotted line of less than stellar decision making.

No pass. I can’t stand up as the bystander and holler out, “No thank you, I pass!”

I can’t politely shake my head, smile sweetly, and shrug it off with an, “I pass, thank you though.”

Nope. Here we are. We are parents, and we remain right smack dab in the muck (or possibly a beautiful blue ocean-depending on the choice) of their choices until, at the minimum, 18 years old.

Then, once that mark comes and goes, we still have emotional investments in what these precious gifts choose to do. We are never free.

We can make some choices of our own I guess. We can choose to rely on God more than our own wisdom and experience.

We can choose to pray more than we lecture.

We can choose to hug instead of strangle. (just kidding of course)

We can choose to shout the words, “I love you” rather than “Are you kidding me?” (again)

But we can’t pass. We can’t give up. We can’t stop caring. We can’t stop being a mom or a dad, no matter what disaster has come.

Let me tell you, grown up consequences hurt your heart. Still, there is no pass for the pain.

For those of us struggling through the teen years, on into early adulthood, as parents, may we all press in to Jesus Christ, and be held in his embrace. May we find peace in the Word, peace through the comfort of our Father, who also chose….. to not pass.


I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, who recently took over for the creator of Five Minute Friday (link below) for full details and rules (well the one rule). 

All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!


Apr. 22, 2016

Unite for the Kingdom!

It is a rough time. When we see the need for power overcoming the need to unite. We must not stop forging ahead in love to share a message of unity and peace with our neighbors around this globe. But before we can do that, we must examine what we are doing right where we are to unite with our community, our church family, and bring Jesus to all.

I see so many believers sitting comfortable in their cozy circles with other believers. It reminds me of the high school clicks I witnessed growing up. Those clicks I never fit in to. The clicks that laughed at, and pushed away a teen mother in need of friendship, compassion, understanding and love.

Yes, today, those same clicks exist when I walk into the church on Sunday. Why are we like that? As I outgrew the hurt caused by those young girls decades ago, I learned how to be inclusive. I intentionally became the person to show love to all, to accept the differences in a world of judgment- I once was the difference.

But when I walked into the church, to see the church not being the church- I was irritated. There is no sugar coating it. The same faces gather in small circles every week. As an observer, it is obvious. If our goal is to unite and bring forth a message of mercy, forgiveness, hope, sacrifice and love, then we need to remove ourselves from the small clicks. and integrate ourselves in the wide community of believers. The small group scenario is great as a support tool, but it seems it has put borders where borders shouldn’t be.

This world is full of many who seek something other than to unite. They are using fear to propel their agenda, and we will always strive to be the teachers of faith, perseverance, acceptance, and love. But right here, within our midst, are also people seeking to unite with those teachers of faith and love. They have been hurt in their past, some by circumstances out of their control, some by consequences of their decisions. We have people walking into church every Sunday, for the first time, lost, and desperately clinging to a hope that they may find help at ‘church’.  Looking for a family they may never have had, looking for a friend, a welcoming face.

If we never take the plunge out of those comfortable scenarios we are actually guided to take part in, how can we ever unite as one where we are, then unite as community, state, nation and globally? You see, Jesus said to go out into the ‘world’, and make disciples of all. I take those words serious, and believe there is no greater reason to unite.

(I take full blame for this post being a few minutes long, passion took over)


I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, who recently took over for the creator of Five Minute Friday (link below) for full details and rules (well the one rule). 

All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!