This has been a long week.
Starting with Friday, and my son in trouble in school and ending Tuesday when my mom suffered a heart attack and had to have emergency surgery- I have a blurred memory.
In between, my fridge went out and my car wouldn’t start.
My mom has been home since Wednesday, (yes, they fix your blocked arteries and send you home the next day, for some, you go home the same day!) – and it’s now Friday.
This week I was privileged to meet many new faces as I stood side by side with my sister and other family, and guarded my momma. I was able to meet doctors, nurses, assistants, cleaning staff, and food carriers- all of whom played an important role in the care of my mom.
I also met a new face on that ever so tiny woman lying in the hospital bed-fear. I have to say, I could have done without that meeting.
I never thought I’d see that face. Not my mom. She’s the 5 foot 'ball of fire'; the 'tough as nails' granny that no one wants to mess with; the 'fighter' that I have always marveled at and cherished.
I cherish my mom on the good days, and I cherish her on those bad days we don’t see eye to eye. I talk to her darn near every single day, sometimes, multiple times. She has walked my journey with me, when the pace was easy, and also when the sprint was difficult.
I realized this week that the time is here- the time to meet the next phase. We seem to gallop through life waiting for doors to open, but what I’ve learned in the last few days is, doors that open aren’t always about self, but often are a shift through time- from one comfort zone to another. We evolve. We meet our new able bodied selves, we meet new faces- like fear- all of which are not signs of aging, but signs of growth. And for my mom, her fear was quickly stomped down by resiliency, perseverance and determination.
This has been a long week- filled with one blessing after another. One tear shed was another smile shared. In the walk of life, who and when we meet isn’t what matters, it’s how and why, and what we take from it.
I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, who recently took over for the creator of Five Minute Friday (link below) for full details and rules (well the one rule).
All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!