Yikes! “Because..”.. so often a parents answer. Later, when those teen years hit, it changes, a little, “Because, I said so!” An answer followed by a roll of the eyes, and sigh of frustration and a pout complete with stomping or crossing of the arms. Because.
Through our Christian walk we enter into adolescence, often with that same attitude as our teens. As we grow in Christ, we grow in our understanding as well.
This single word has come to be the peace between my God and I. As I ask the why’s of my life, the how’s of my circumstance, I now rest in His answer, “Because.” Some days it is followed with more explanation, some days it’s left in its complex simplicity.
But most days, most days, it is ended with a very powerful, “I love you.”
Because I love you-
- I have never left your side.
- I have lifted you when you knew you were down.
- I held you through your tears.
- I guided your decisions.
- I held your hand through your fears.
- I led you to My Word, the exact one you needed at the time.
- I fought a battle you never knew existed.
- I watched your children when you couldn’t.
- I came to live.
- I came to die.
- I rose.
Because, I love you.
Rest in the Lord that loves you ‘Because’, He just does. You are His, He is yours. Because.
And the God of love and peace will be with you.
1 Cor 13:11b