Sep. 26, 2014


Yikes! “Because..”..  so often a parents answer. Later, when those teen years hit, it changes, a little, “Because, I said so!” An answer followed by a roll of the eyes, and sigh of frustration and a pout complete with stomping or crossing of the arms. Because.

Through our Christian walk we enter into adolescence, often with that same attitude as our teens. As we grow in Christ, we grow in our understanding as well.

This single word has come to be the peace between my God and I. As I ask the why’s of my life, the how’s of my circumstance, I now rest in His answer, “Because.” Some days it is followed with more explanation, some days it’s left in its complex simplicity.

But most days, most days, it is ended with  a very powerful, “I love you.”

Because I love you-

  • I have never left your side.
  • I have lifted you when you knew you were down.
  • I held you through your tears.
  • I guided your decisions.
  • I held your hand through your fears.
  • I led you to My Word, the exact one you needed at the time.
  • I fought a battle you never knew existed.
  • I watched your children when you couldn’t.
  • I came to live.
  • I came to die.
  • I rose.

Because, I love you.

Rest in the Lord that loves you ‘Because’, He just does.  You are His, He is yours. Because.


 And the God of love and peace will be with you.

1 Cor 13:11b


Sep. 19, 2014


In the midst of a chaotic scene..Tears are rolling down,

I HOLD my breath, wait and see, doctors all around.

She was born too soon, with a trimester left to go.

Survival chances whispered..What God has planned, no doctors know.

With one push, there she was, no bigger than my hand.

No cries to comfort a mother’s mind, our little girl, rolled away at a glance.

I close my eyes and My Father’s hand I HOLD tight.

I cry to Him in desperate need, “O Lord, save her life.”

Every breath produced by machine, blessings flow upon the hour.

Every morning comfort held, each night a beautiful display of His mighty power.

Milestones came and went, all we HOLD so dear.

Every moment challenging, but in Him we released our fear.

Days turned to weeks, weeks to months.. we’d wait.

For the word of her coming home, of answers to those prayers we prayed.

There are no words to express, even now I can’t truly explain.

But take one thing from what I’ve said, we HOLD her as a miracle,

professed In Jesus Name!



I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, who recently took over for the creator of Five Minute Friday. It's a great way to take part in a Global Writing opportunity. Five minutes on Friday, write what you are inspired to share!

Sep. 12, 2014

"Ready" to Reach

(I read the prompt word at 4am-incorrectly, I had "Reach" stuck in my head all day long..guess I'll just go with it..)


In the midst of a trying week, I’m definitely reaching. Reaching for air- as I’m sick with pneumonia. Reaching for energy, patience and peace as the final days to my son’s joyous wedding slowly fade away. The stress of last minute shopping, last minute changes and additions tend to leave us reaching for quite a bit.


 I’m reaching for hope, for strength and encouraging words for my youngest son who has suffered a neck injury in football this past week that put his spine into shock and required a trip by ambulance to Children’s Hospital, his passion now an activity of the past.

As I write the words, I’m thinking, “Wow, now that’s some stress!”


And what I most reach for today is simply my Father’s hand, my Daddy’s embrace, my Papa’s love.  I have reached for His word all week long. Only in His word am I calm and reassured.

While life hands us moments that are unwanted, unrelenting and undesirable,  God hands us what we need to get through it. Even if what we need is simply a piggy back ride through the muck of everyday living.


If reaching was an aerobic exercise, I’d be in perfect shape and adorning the covers of many magazines.

However, I’m perfectly happy with the workout I’ve received in my heart and the refreshing of my mind! 


I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, who recently took over for the creator of Five Minute Friday (link highlighted above) for full details and rules (well the one rule).

All are welcome and invited to take part in joining women around the world for Five Minute Friday! You will be given a prompt word then simply take five minutes of your day to write a heartfelt, authentic message (no need to edit) using that word!

Sep. 5, 2014



I look back at parenting my four children and remember the times they just wouldn’t listen. As their ears seemed to be turned off, my voice began to rise. I would get louder and louder in hopes that this may help them with their ability to hear me. Today, with my oldest about to get married, and my daughter now a mother of two, I realize not all tactics seemed to work back in the day.  No matter how loud I became, if they weren’t going to listen, it was already a done deal! Perhaps, a gentle whisper would have sufficed.

Ya, I don’t miss some parts of parenting (just being honest here).

I think our God must often feel the same way. He has done everything but strike lightening on our head to gain our attention, and still, we miss the message. Other times, I yearn to hear His voice holler down at me, but instead, it is in the waves of His gentle whisper that I hear him loud and clear. A whisper of love that can’t be misunderstood, as it is said with His familiar way of communicating with me.

He whispers our name in the comfort He provides, in the discipline, in the healing. A whisper is both a word of action and/or an object, and our God uses it both ways.  

When I first realized God whispers to me, it wasn’t recognizable, I was shaken by the power of the Holy Spirit. I caught those first days in a poem I wrote… today, I am grateful that I now know His sweet whisper…

Listen To God

Whispers through the wind haunt me..
Voices unrecognizable, surround me.
Go, Go, Go..

Like faint echoes through a canyon,
they go on and on..
Challenging me blindly,
Go, Go, Go..

As subliminal messaging,
there is something hidden within those words.
I tremble when I hear them,
though I don't know why.
Go, Go, Go..

I feel the presence of His Almighty,
I cease to breathe a normal breath.
Labored by knowledge,
I stop abruptly, I kneel and show reverence,
As the voice wraps me with strength.

Whispers travel like the wind,
straight to ones obedient heart.
Like the seas tides rolling in,
With power and force,
I, too, am filled.   I, too, am willing.
Go..Go..Go...    I hear Him calling to me..

Aug. 22, 2014


I have always told my kids the most powerful word is choice. Coming in a close second might just be change. We change our mind, our heart, our diet, our location, our interests, etc ..etc, so often in our lifetime. What may have been a priority a year ago, no longer matters, and we have changed our philosophy on life and now find other things to be more important.

I have made many changes in this last year; changes that have brought peace, calm and a deeper understanding in my life. I quit a wonderful job as an executive assistant at the oldest, largest and best animal sanctuary in the western hemisphere (home to over 300 large previously captive carnivores) ..I had recently been promoted into this position from office manager, and I was ecstatic and blessed to have had that opportunity. Within a month, I was confronted with some health issues and made the swift decision that walking away from something I loved, would be best.  Two biopsies later, and now a diagnosis of pre-diabetes, I know I made the right choice.

Change can be sudden or very well planned. It can be welcomed and unwanted. The fact is, change is inevitable at times. While we might see change as an inconvenience, God sees it as an opportunity. An opportunity to move in our lives in ways that weren’t available before! I think of the apostles, and Abraham, and Moses..and I truly stand amazed at their life stories. The change they confronted was remarkable. It often celebrated a trust in God, a respect for their creator and gives us a glimpse of a strength that we occasionally forget we have in our relationship with the Almighty.