Jul. 23, 2015

Humbling power

Proverbs 16:18-Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

As young children, we are groomed for pride.  Perhaps we have come to a time when we can freely admit that we have over done the congratulatory “praise”. You know which ones I am referring to- running through the house hoisting our children in the air, confetti flying, because they finally went pee-pee in the potty!  The party we throw when we find that “our” brilliant child mastered picking up their own toy!  It doesn’t stop at those first few years.  As children grow, we over praise every single effort made on the soccer field, football field, ballerina stage and even the classroom.

It’s not that we have set out to teach our child that their self-esteem and self-worth are made in the arena of competition, but my own personal experience taught me how, unknowingly, this is what I had done.  It has taken me many years to teach my son that no matter how good he is on a football field, or at math, his heart is the vessel by which love flows. When his heart is only set on himself and his own accomplishments, instead of love flowing out from him for others, he has a Dead Sea of self -just sitting stagnant within.  To lay down the desire to be better than or superior to is truly a work in progress our entire life. It’s one that our Lord is ready to help us face.

Pride holds us back in a life where we are meant to constantly go forward in the name of Jesus.  It is all around us and can halt that forward progress at any time.  A person’s motivation at success can stem from a deep yearning to out-do Joe Smith down the road.  One’s title within the church leadership may place that nose a little higher than God intended. Often we block the view of Christ because of our upturned noses or puffy chests!

Without releasing our pride, we are unable to fully see all that God has planned for us.  What we fail to realize when living in pride is the blessings that will flow if we live in complete humility.  To be humbly obedient to the Lord ensures a path of righteousness.  

Proverbs 3:6 tells us, “..in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” 

If we aren’t living a life in submission to our Lord, then we are living a life that brings us nothing more than a reflection of self-indulgent, disobedience.  Our outward walk will only reflect our inward, self-seeking desires, and at some point you will collide with the Lord’s desire for your life.  In his greatest love, our Father will gently “bring us down a few pegs..”

Whether we are teaching our children, or ourselves, how to let the “me, me, me” hunger go, we must take notice daily of our attitude in the different arenas we face.  At home with your spouse, at work, or at church, and often times within, as we encounter the Lord. You have to surrender that need to hold on to a pride that can interfere with the work of your Savior and all he has planned for you! 

Aligning your will with His will display just how powerful he is in the heart of a faithful servant! Though it’s not a competition, you will know you won and you will be humbled by His love!

Jun. 4, 2015

My opinion doesn't matter

It’s been a long time since I’ve written on social issues. Why? Because social issues become so opinion based, and often become more of a heated debate than anything helpful.

Even in the Christian arena do commentaries, blog posts and others write-ups become an active ground of openly judgmental, scripture flinging, chaos. I believe we become so personally attached to a specific moral stance, that we full heartedly think we are impacting others with our self proclaimed ‘truth’.

Here’s the bottom line. If we are Christians, we are studying our Bible every single day. We are digging deeper into scripture with every passing year. The life of a Christian is a constant educational opportunity on who God is, and what he is to be in our life, and also how we can be a reflection of his love to others.  Being a Christian is a very personal journey, and one that is never dull.

We are also called to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19)..  sharing the good news, telling others of the amazing love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The death, the resurrection, and why it was done.  Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

So why is it, at some point we revert to acting more like those old guys who constantly accused Jesus back in the day, than we do Jesus?

There are many things in this world that are not of God, we’ve been told this many times in scripture.       

(1 John 2: 15-17, Romans 102:2, James 4:4..to name a few)  

And here we are. June 2015. Our world is not quite what I imagined for my grandkids. I love my little apples and cringe to see the changes taking place. This world is exposed to the core via technology of all kinds. For the first time in history, we have instant access to breaking news, finger tip control at its finest.  While the cascade of information flows freely, some appearing on our screens whether or not we choose, we still have the responsibility to love as Jesus loved.

Our words are available at incredible speed. So when the biggest story of the week is a man who decided to change his body to become a woman, I know it is hard not to have an ‘opinion’. It’s hard to wonder, ‘what would Jesus do, say, think’…  I’ve read many things this week from good to bad to unsure.

I have only one opinion on the subject. John 8:7. That’s all. That’s it.

They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!”

Leave the rest alone.

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Don’t let Satan distract you. Don’t let your words fuel hate and judgment among the people.  Perhaps when something doesn’t make sense to us, we should simply pray and let it go.

Oct. 8, 2014

Baggage Still On Board

A year ago I sat among some wonderful family in Florida, as we all said our goodbyes.  It was the saddest day for me, to know I would soon be leaving the comfort and familiarity of the Christian family that God used in my life.  I shared a little secret that day.....
On November 28th, 2007, as we said our goodbyes to Colorado, and I reached the Kansas border, I did something extraordinary.  I laid down a mountain of baggage at the "leaving Colorful Colorado" sign, and smiled to myself.  I put it all there!  Years and years of pain and anger, sadness and defeat.  It was, what I thought at the time, a triumphant day!  Victory!  As we sat around the tables in 2010 in Florida, I asked for prayer that when I made the drive back to Colorado, I didn't pick up those bags on the way in.  The day I crossed the border and read the sign, "Welcome to Colorful Colorado," tears slipped from my eyes.  I knew then, the road was about to get very difficult.
My lesson doesn't take much to explain.  As the Lord has taught me in the last month, I share with you now.  I made a very big mistake in 2007.  I believed I put it all down at the border.  The Lord has taught me now that I shouldn't have been carrying those extra bags around to begin with.  I never should have taken the burden on myself to attempt to free myself from that pain, and anger.  I missed something along the way of 1997 (the year I met my Jesus) and 2007.  He had been standing there all along, hands out, waiting..and waiting..and making every attempt to tell me to do one thing...GIVE IT ALL TO HIM. Had I done that, I never would have been carrying around those heavy bags to begin with.  I truly thought I had conquered this part of surrender.  I honestly thought I had given it all over. 
I still have few words for what our family has gone through in the last month and a half.  I have many emotions.  If I thought Satan took his biggest jab at me in September, then this incident could have very well been his final attempt at a knockout.  For many days, I know people weren't sure if I would stand back up before the 10 count had ended.  I think I was one of those people.  However, at 9, I heard the bell in my head and stood up, again...for another round.  It hurt something fierce.  The pain was so intense, I could barely breathe.  My eyes were swollen shut to truth, but my heart and mind were working overtime!  My feet were too heavy to lift, and my arms were held down by invisible weights, but I stood up.  I shouted at some point...

"Be gone Satan..." 

There was no referee to check me out, to ask if I was ok.  Only Jesus.  Only my Jesus standing there, no words at all, but standing right there with me.
I hope you will join me in packing those bags and handing them over.  He knows what to do with it, and is ready to take them away.  You can't just find some place in the middle of Colorado and Kansas and drop them off.  What truly happens is that there is only one place that they disappear forever. Until you give them to Jesus, they'll never leave your hands, your heart or your mind. 
Oct. 8, 2014

Extraordinary for the Ordinary!

I was sitting in an arena with 10,000 women..listening to the speakers, laughing, crying, understanding.  Realizing that I truly hope to do this one day- to speak from the heart, from experience, relating my life stories to the divine power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Suddenly it hit me!  On the stage before me were women with extreme professional backgrounds.  CEO's, TV reporters, TV Hosts...and there I sat..in my ordinary life, not having the background of any of those women.  For a few days, I pondered this reality.  Satan attempted to convince me that I am nothing.  I have no right to believe I belonged there.  Then the Lord simply said, 
"I can take your ordinary life to do extraordinary things!  Maybe the platform you see before you isn't the one I intend for you to stand on." 
I know one thing about my life, it is colorful, to say the least.  From a young age, I have encountered obstacles that would make anyone shake their head in disbelief.  Amazingly beyond that, I had someone, my entire life, be there to show me a glimpse of Jesus love.  Whether it was a neighbor, a distant family member or a stranger.  The Lord called to me.  Take for instance a grandfather of one of my cousins.  When I was only five, and right before he passed, he gave me a set of praying hands.  I knew nothing about prayer.  Yet for some reason, I would sit for my entire childhood and place my tiny hands over those porcelain hands and talk.  I didn't know to who, but I spoke out for help, for protection. That same man gave me a blue, New Testament bible.  I never read much past the genealogies, at five, who can??  But I sure knew there was something incredible in those words. 
As I got older, there were neighbors who took me to church functions, and more neighbors that just took me to church.  My family would attend periodically at a local catholic church.  When I was 18, sitting in an ICU ward, watching my fiancee in a coma, a stranger walked up and asked me to pray with her, "The Lord told me to pray with you."  So I sat, in the middle of Denver Health (then called Denver General) and prayed with a stranger, when I didn't know anything about why we should pray!  Somehow, the Lord found a way to appear in my little world, then my bigger world, until He became my only world.
I have been groomed to speak about the power of the Lord. Everything in my life has lead me to a point where I can relate to others in many different aspects of their lives and I can show them just how God has worked in mine.  The Lord has filled me with wisdom, sometimes deeper insight then where other people care to look.  The Lord has brought me through one obstacle after another.  Peace has come and gone internally, but the Lord has held me through it all.  Worry and doubt, yes, I've done them both.  Confusion, yep!  Anger, sadness and disappointment in God, yes to that too!  Freedom?  Love? Forgiveness?  Strength? I've conquered the ups and downs, with Jesus there to walk beside me, push behind me, be a guide in front of me, and tenderly, lift and carry me each step of the way.

Jeremiah 32:17
Ah Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth, by your great power and outstretched arm.  Nothing is too hard for you.

I fully believe that there is nothing about my life that would make it "ordinary".  Quite the contrary, to know what God has done through all these years is quite extraordinary!  It is that way for each and every one of us!  If we are being held back, it is our own doing!  I know one thing for certain, the Lord doesn't look down on any of us and call us ordinary.  He is the KING!!!  The royal head, the majesty!! That makes us a part of the royal family!  Crowned princes and princesses!  We are the adopted family of His Majesty!  There is nothing ordinary in that!  I can be confidant in the power of the Lord to accomplish His will using the ordinary me in an extraordinary way!!!!!!!!!!
Oct. 2, 2014

Rise! You are forgiven!

Adversity is inevitable, and often the Lord allows us to experience such adversity in our lives to bring us closer to Him. We are never promised a life of perfection, we are promised a life of never being without a God who provides through all circumstances.

Many people of the Bible went through difficulties- Joseph’s brothers conspired against him; still Joseph was raised by God. His brothers eventually bowed to him. David’s file cabinet of sin was quite full, but he was forgiven. God raised him up and destroyed his enemies. Job experienced much adversity in his life and again, the Lord lifted him up and blessed him double at the end of his story.

The ultimate example of challenge is our beautiful Savior, Jesus Christ. Who saw the worst of accusations and persecution and was eventually crucified. A death that was purposed from the beginning to reconcile us back to God. How did that come about? God raised Him from the dead!


Ephesians 1:19-20 (CEV)

I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers. It is the same wonderful power he used when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side in heaven.


We will fall, but a just man will be raised by the overwhelming love of the Father.  It is far better to be a good, righteous person in Christ who falls, and be tended to by the caring hand of God, than to be wicked and be no more.