An Adoption Story...
I recently read a blog of a young lady that I have admired for years. She is the example of life I’d love to be. Yesterday, I was blessed to read another of her inspiring stories:
“The strongest women I have ever known. My mothers. I am so proud to be their daughter. So blessed to be their child. For me, these women forgot their inhibitions, forgot their own egos, forgot themselves, and gave me what my soul most needed to flourish - BOTH of them.” –Natalie Garro
She is speaking of her insight on her own adoption. There is no greater wisdom one gains than when we are the ones to have experienced the events.
I was a young mother who once made a decision to choose adoption for my unborn child. It may very well have been the most difficult decision in my life. There is nothing like carrying a baby in your body during pregnancy; feeling every kick, hearing a strong heart beat, feeling every hiccup and talking to a life that slowly grows inside you.
I wish my life circumstances had been different. I wish I had believed myself to be more than I did back in those young teenage years. But abuse had taken its toll, evil’s words had firmly planted themselves in my mind as fear and doubt filled the intimate places where strength, a growing self esteem and hope should have been.
I already had my son when I found myself pregnant again. In my heart, I always knew it was a girl. In my soul, I knew what I had to do. I didn’t want to face the inevitable, I didn’t want to be that disappointment again and I certainly didn’t want to be judged. So for eight months, I told no one I was pregnant, and for some reason beyond me, no one asked, guessed or noticed. For months, I knew, I cried, I loved and in one day, when it came to light for everyone else, I had a plan to meet with an adoption agency.
Why did I choose adoption? Was it because I knew I wasn’t prepared to be a mom of two? Yes. Was it because I wasn’t financially able to care for two? Yes. Above all, I wanted this little girl to be safe. While my heart had always said girl, one never knows until that baby comes out, just what the sex is. (ok, sometimes those ultrasounds are VERY obvious) If I had a girl, she needed to be safe. Forever safe. Away from abuse, away from the fear I had known since I was just seven years old. I knew to the very core of my being that my decision was the correct one.
I’ve endured the ridicule, the words of shame. “I would never do that!” I’ve heard the attempt at support, combined with the words of guilt, “I don’t believe in adoption, but you do what you have to do.” I’ve heard the praise, with the undertone of ‘stupid teenager, stop getting pregnant’, as well as, “What a wonderful thing you did,” (eye roll, shake of the head). I then also heard the condescending remarks of the sarcastic people, “Did you figure out what causes that.”
And with the grace that God blesses me with daily, I smiled, and politely shook my head. I haven’t talked much about it with many people, only a select few, and only in depth with those I truly trust, that I know never judge me or would ridicule a young lady that was, at the time, lost, mentally and emotionally broken and had given up on life.
Adoption is about love. Love for a child. Adoption is also about trust, trust of the family you are giving your most precious gift to. Adoption is about life and believing that one life is more important than self.
“Lisa gave me Sharon. Sharon gave me Lisa. They are the two gifts more precious than anything else in the world to me. And, for me, they were the first, most noble acts of true love to ever touch my life.” –Miss Natalie Garro
Natalie is a remarkable young woman. Filled with love! She loves people, nature, animals and activity. She loves life! I am the Lisa she is speaking of, Sharon was the woman I watched carry my little baby girl out of a hospital one day, with her wonderful and incredible husband, George, beaming with fatherly love! We are the plan that God willed and miraculously put together for Natalie, for Sharon, George and for me.
This adoption story is about one young woman’s dream and last shred of hope and another woman’s dream with an abundance of hope. More than that, it’s about the life of one child and the commitment to see that child know one thing- that she is wanted and loved.
If you'd like to continue reading the full blog from Natalie, please click the link below:
Day 18: I was born to strong women