Be a DAD-101
Yesterday was Father’s Day. We all stopped our busy routines, and showed our dad’s just how appreciated they are and all they mean to us. We give them goofy cards, gifts of every kind, a special dinner and shower them with love all day. It is a great time for all, and truly a wonderful experience for any dad.
Then, there are those of us with no dad, for one reason or another. From the day my grandfather passed away when I was 4, I was left empty and needing that man role model in my life. I dreamt of that unconditional love, the praise, the hug, the special dances, the kisses on the cheek. I never wanted a big wedding, I had no one to walk me down an aisle. I hear my grown friends say “Happy Father’s Day Daddy”- and I can’t help but cringe, because I never had the opportunity to say that to anyone-‘daddy’. I’m not going to lie, it hurts and I was left somewhat disappointed yesterday. Matter of fact, I’m tearing up as I write it today.
This has never really been an issue for me. It was my reality my entire life. So why was Father’s Day-2014 so hard? What made me sad? And why the tears? I don't know.
We are a searching species. We are curious from day one. Remember a child’s frustration right before they become mobile? They want to move, but haven’t quite figured it out. They are fully aware of it too! Some are fussier, seem bored, until the day they take off, and can satisfy that need. We grow and are in search of “who we are”- we are looking for things like- a higher purpose, a calling, the meaning of life.. it never ends. That "daddy" is on the list of searching for- if he was never there!
As believers in Jesus Christ, we grow in the knowledge that what we were looking for now fills our heart and mind and soul-fully. Our God created us in a way to want Him. What we seek, we find- it’s even written in scripture. (Luke 11:9) I began to feel guilty that I was sad yesterday, when God gently reminded me- “I’m here through your sadness.” I wasn’t reprimanded for it, I was loved through it. I was also reminded, the daddy I was searching for, I have.
Father’s are so important for their children. You bring so much to their growth through life. Sex is great, but understanding that basic concept of where babies come from is greater. Babies don’t ask to be born. They are created by you. That should be a lifetime commitment for both the mom and dad. You shouldn’t have the option to walk away when you don’t get along with each other. You can’t just send a check every month and believe you are doing your job. You need to be actively involved and know you are responsible for the upbringing of all the children you create. If we aren’t ready for that lifelong responsibility- whether you are married or single- don’t have sex. The only birth control that is 100% guaranteed is abstinence! Birth control isn’t about you, it’s about a baby, a life! You plan many things in life- plan to be a staying dad, too!
I’m happy that most of the people I know have a great dad. I’m so thrilled some of them share their daddy with me! I am most grateful that the one Father I have, is the ultimate daddy- who loves me for who I am, who accepts me for who I am, and who is always there. It is a gift that I hold just a little more closer today, for what those of us go through, who never had an earthly dad, is sometimes very difficult. We hold on to our relationship with our Father with a death grip, a different death grip than perhaps many others do. It is a unique relationship, with a bond that is double tight. Beyond that…I can not explain it. Pray for those children with no dad, pray for those dads that take off and never look back. Pray for the parents left behind to explain. Thank God for being there.