Fruit beats Stress!
How do you handle stress? Are you one to simply smile, bow your head and say, “Here you go, Lord. Thank you, it’s yours.” Do you begin to over think what is causing the stress? Trying to come at it from every angle, analyze and determine your own best course of action? Perhaps you do both! You give it to God, then sit around and do the analyzing anyhow. Handling stress is work in progress and God starts with fruit!
To be in the midst of God’s great love is truly amazing. There is a peace and contentment that we are privileged to walk in. The challenge is to stay there when things “heat up” in life- stress is a heat up issue we encounter. God knows we are going to live through some stressful situations, he knows we are going to be confused and lost in many things throughout our maze of life. He prepares our hearts and minds for such things, if we truly allow him to.
God reveals to us in the book of Galatians just how we are called to live- Galatians 5:22-26
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
We are called to live by and be filled with the fruit of the Spirit. As we practice ‘living’ this daily, it becomes easier to handle the stresses that come our way. I am not sure we always remember how every aspect of our relationship with the Lord truly is internal. It is very personal. He is living in us, we are a new creation in Him- the new is what is inside. When we choose to follow Jesus, our appearance isn’t new- our abs don’t suddenly flatten and become perfectly sculpted, our hair isn’t free of gray or frizz. No! Our new creation is all within- in our heart, our mind and our souls! When we invite the Holy Spirit to live in us, we should be prepared for the unthinkable in change!
When stress arrives, we slowly learn to take a deep breath, to shower the situation with love, kindness, gentleness and (slight cringe) self control. Our first reaction is to pray- to talk to God about our stress, and how best to handle it. The more we chat with him, the less stressed we are! God never promised that you won’t see hardships along your journey, but he does promise to be with you through it all, to guide your every step, and love you as you maneuver through the rocky terrain.