If I close my eyes, and clear the grated memories, I can see it. A day I will never forget.
We used to go to the gym as a family-my fiancée, and our two children- one almost 4, the other 1 month old. He was a boxer, and the Golden Gloves facility where he trained, welcomed us all, even encouraged it. We were young, high school sweethearts. He worked full time, and I took care of the home and kids. Every day he drove the 45 minutes through rush hour, picked us up, and we drove the hour long drive back through the traffic and he did his thing. I was there to cheer him on.
We recently bought a video camera to start recording his journey. He was a southpaw- not fast, but more powerful than anyone in that gym, and his trainers knew it. The time had come for his first sparring session. He was poised to prove he had what it took, and when he stepped in that ring, he took on the face of a fighter.
I held the camera as they began. A few jabs, and then boom- an upper cut he didn’t see coming. Suddenly, he began stumbling. You can hear me on the video, “Come on..stay on your feet..” It didn’t make sense. That little hit was nothing. I had no idea what was going on.
Little did we know, earlier in the day, he had hit his head at work. A small scratch to the temple, one upper cut, and his life changed forever. My life changed forever. They carried him out of the gym, telling his best friend, “Don’t let me go.” Those were the last words he uttered before falling into a coma for weeks to come, and then waking up thinking his parents were still married- a marriage that had ended when he was 7.
I waited for weeks and weeks. Waited for what, I’m not sure. Because the life we had worked to begin had just ended. I was barely 20 years old. What lie ahead, was beyond my grasp. I didn’t know how to manage two children under the age 4, let alone, a grown man who couldn’t walk, talk, sit, go to the bathroom or feed himself.
I waited. I sat in the ICU waiting to be attacked by the local media- who tried to stir up some story from any and every angle. Finally, doctors stopped them at the door.
I waited, for someone to tell me what to do, where to go, how to live. I waited for something to turn back time, to start, to end. I waited.
I never knew God at this point in my life, but he knew me. He sent an angel to that hospital, and a stranger that stopped me and said, “I’m being told to pray for you.” So there we sat, she prayed, I cried.
I felt something stir inside I’ve never felt.
We wait for many things in life. It’s hard to wait, especially when you don’t even know what you are waiting for. For me, in 1993, I was waiting for a miracle that never came. But there, in that exact moment, God was waiting for me. To shed another glimpse of His glorious love on a girl that He already knew and already loved.
For me, God would wait.
I was introduced to this amazing interactive party on July 18, 2014- and I absolutely fell in love with the idea!
I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, the administrator of Five Minute Friday (link highlighted above) for full details and rules (well the one rule).