Jan. 30, 2015


If I close my eyes, and clear the grated memories, I can see it. A day I will never forget.

We used to go to the gym as a family-my fiancée, and our two children- one almost 4, the other 1 month old. He was a boxer, and the Golden Gloves facility where he trained, welcomed us all, even encouraged it. We were young, high school sweethearts. He worked full time, and I took care of the home and kids. Every day he drove the 45 minutes through rush hour, picked us up, and we drove the hour long drive back through the traffic and he did his thing. I was there to cheer him on.

We recently bought a video camera to start recording his journey. He was a southpaw- not fast, but more powerful than anyone in that gym, and his trainers knew it. The time had come for his first sparring session. He was poised to prove he had what it took, and when he stepped in that ring, he took on the face of a fighter.

I held the camera as they began. A few jabs, and then boom- an upper cut he didn’t see coming. Suddenly, he began stumbling. You can hear me on the video, “Come on..stay on your feet..” It didn’t make sense. That little hit was nothing. I had no idea what was going on.

Little did we know, earlier in the day, he had hit his head at work. A small scratch to the temple, one upper cut, and his life changed forever. My life changed forever. They carried him out of the gym, telling his best friend, “Don’t let me go.”  Those were the last words he uttered before falling into a coma for weeks to come, and then waking up thinking his parents were still married- a marriage that had ended when he was 7.

I waited for weeks and weeks.  Waited for what, I’m not sure. Because the life we had worked to begin had just ended. I was barely 20 years old. What lie ahead, was beyond my grasp. I didn’t know how to manage two children under the age 4, let alone, a grown man who couldn’t walk, talk, sit, go to the bathroom or feed himself.

I waited. I sat in the ICU waiting to be attacked by the local media- who tried to stir up some story from any and every angle. Finally, doctors stopped them at the door.

I waited, for someone to tell me what to do, where to go, how to live. I waited for something to turn back time, to start, to end. I waited.

I never knew God at this point in my life, but he knew me. He sent an angel to that hospital, and a stranger that stopped me and said, “I’m being told to pray for you.” So there we sat, she prayed, I cried.

I felt something stir inside I’ve never felt. 

We wait for many things in life. It’s hard to wait, especially when you don’t even know what you are waiting for. For me, in 1993, I was waiting for a miracle that never came. But there, in that exact moment, God was waiting for me. To shed another glimpse of His glorious love on a girl that He already knew and already loved.

For me, God would wait.

I was introduced to this amazing interactive party on July 18, 2014- and I absolutely fell in love with the idea!

I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, the administrator of Five Minute Friday (link highlighted above) for full details and rules (well the one rule).


Jan. 16, 2015


So many things in this world we won’t do. It’s just plain ole reality. I won’t climb K-2, even though I’d love to- it’s not in the plan. I won’t deep sea dive- I’m not interested in overcoming the fear of depending on that oxygen tank.

But oh the possibilities of all I can and will do. I can fly, I can dance, I can snorkel (instead)..I can drive west and climb Mt. Evans here in Colorado or many of the others around. (none of which I’ve tried yet, but I’d love to)…  The list is endless and detailed. And on this Friday, I am truly humbled to know how much I can ‘send’.

I can send prayers for you, texts of love, emails of inspiration. I can send a sympathy card. I can send so much out to the world with the touch of a button on the smart device of choice!

But mostly, I want to send the message of Jesus Christ to every corner of this world. Whether my feet ever touch the ground in those far corners, I still have the desire and the passion to send out that message, using any and all means of communication in the 21st century! 

I want to send hope, encouragement, understanding…the messages from one Christian under construction to another. I don’t want to stop. I am fueled and energized to send something out in to the world that can help, or make a difference, or shed some light and to share the love of a Savior. You are my recipients, and when I hit send, I may never know your name, your life story, your journey, but I know that Jesus called me to love you, to pray for you and to share with you all that Jesus and I discuss and write together.

So when I think of send…it’s just another way to think of love. Something we can all do!

I was introduced to this amazing interactive party on July 18, 2014- and I absolutely fell in love with the idea!

I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, the administrator of Five Minute Friday (link highlighted above) for full details and rules (well the one rule).


Dec. 12, 2014


I’m sure you are preparing- for holiday parties, Christmas pageants, cooking, and all those Christmas festivities that point to the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a joyous time for all, exciting and new and a great way to share our Savior’s message.

The holiday season isn’t quite like that for many. In October, I begin to prepare. I prepare my mind to be filled with pictures of happy, cheery families. I prepare my heart to be filled with love for a message that I want to share, even if it isn’t with that same exuberance as you. I prepare. I prepare to tackle a holiday season that has left me running for New Year’s more often than not. You know it as the most wonderful time of year. I prepare for the most difficult time of year.

For me, and all those others out there, we struggle. I have bipolar disorder, and while I’ve experienced only a handful of true manic episodes, depression seems to invade the spaces of my mind and heart easily between September and January. I’ve spent half the year gearing up for this season- I found a new church home, and am doing all I can to be part of this church family, volunteering and even helping for the Christmas Eve service.  I have written countless blogs to help you and to remind me, that my story is simply our love story- mine and God the Father, my daddy! I have prepared.

So while you may love this time of year, I have some recommendations- when you ask someone if they love Christmas music, and they say, “no, not so much..” don’t tell them they’re crazy. When you invite someone to take part in some wonderful Christmas event, and they politely decline- don’t be offended when you ask until you’re out of breath and they don’t change their mind(they truly appreciate your efforts and that you asked, I promise! It reminds them that you love them).  When you see someone who is obviously not all full of the seasonal cheer you may fill up on, hug them and ask them about anything other than Christmas. You may not know what they are going through, but your heart and your believing Spirit will help you understand.

We are not ba-humbug, scrooge, downers that you shake your head at. We have stories that have brought us to a place of quiet thankfulness. A time to be humble, knowing a long time ago, a Savior was born. Born to love us just as we are; born to understand us, born to free us. Yes, we know how blessed we are, how amazing Jesus Christ is. So please, don’t think just because we may seem a bit withdrawn from you, that we aren’t fully being drawn to Him in our time of need. 

God bless you all this Christmas season, please enjoy every minute!


I was introduced to this amazing interactive party on July 18, 2014- and I absolutely fell in love with the idea!

I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, the administrator of Five Minute Friday (link highlighted above) for full details and rules (well the one rule).


Dec. 5, 2014

R.I.P. My Dear Ruby

Last week I missed FMF. I had a rough day. On Thanksgiving night, after we had all enjoyed our feast together, we found my beautiful puppy girl, Ruby, out under the tree slowly breathing. She had been fighting lymphoma for 6 weeks. At only 6 years old, we were shocked to receive the news. I had done everything I could to help her through the last month and a half, but her little body was done fighting. My husband has been working out of state, and he returned on Wednesday night. Miss Ruby was so happy and excited to see her dad. But shortly after she greeted him with love and kisses, she became tired, and we spent the night caring for her. Right before dinner, she made her rounds to say goodbye to our family, who had all gathered for Thanksgiving dinner, and then went outside.

We carried our girl in, and my husband, son and I held her for the short time it took for her to pass. A moment I will never forget, as we loved her dearly and were there together. While it was an emotional and heartbreaking time for us, we shared a precious moment as a family.  Some days we have uplifting and wonderful experiences, and other times we have sad and hard ones. Both we hold close to our heart, and both are dear to us.

I’ve had many different reactions to my story of Ruby. Some people are very supportive and understanding, others think “It’s just a dog.” In our family, our pets are family members. What we would do for ourselves, we do for them. We love them, just as our Father does.

 "Not even a sparrow, worth only half a penny, can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it." Matthew 10:29

"O Lord, You preserve both man and beast." Psalm 36:6

"A righteous man regards the life of his animal." Proverbs 12:10

We all know that the breath of life begins and ends. We are called to love from the beginning of that breath to the last. Our pets love us unconditionally their entire lives. They are faithful and serving. We can learn so much from the love of a dog for its owner. We are called to love our Father the same way- a righteous, faithful, servant of our King.

I will miss Ruby forever. She gave me so much joy. She also reminded me of so much that I will carry onward to others, both humans and animals, in love, dearly.


I was introduced to this amazing interactive party on July 18, 2014- and I absolutely fell in love with the idea!

I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, who recently took over for the creator of Five Minute Friday (link below) for full details and rules (well the one rule).


Nov. 21, 2014

Stop. NOTICE. Pray. Move.

She runs around tirelessly, shuffling kids from one class to the next. She is needed at the front door, and the welcome desk, she is late, but has that bright smile on her face and love literally is reflected in her eyes, a direct reflection from her heart. I notice.

He has been here since 7am. Making sure every instrument is tuned and ready. Strings are still attached, cameras ready, mics all working. He smiles as people stroll up to say hi, and though they don’t realize it, he stops everything he is doing, all his worship preparations, to chat with his beloved brother or sister in Christ. I notice.

She is there at the Sanctuary door handing out bulletins, smiling and greeting every person walking in. She asks someone about a health issue, another about his repairs on a car. She makes eye contact with each attendee that walks past her. Her voice is a quiet whisper, but she makes sure she misses no one. I notice.

They run around to every classroom, upstairs, downstairs to ensure that supplies are ready, children are energized and excited to be there. They greet parents, welcome new little ones, and run kids to bathrooms, holding another child who might be sad mom or dad left. They spent their week preparing lesson plans, sending emails, creating schedules and planning ahead for those special events and services. I notice.

You call the office, and you always hear her voice. She knows the time of that small group, what day this event will take place, who is scheduled to usher, which music is being played. She cleans toilets when needed, empties trash, sends church reminders, creates monthly newsletters, prepares powerpoints, pays the bills, and seems to know who is where, when and why.. I notice.

He comes in all week long- the little things that we never see, light bulbs, loose screws, light sensors, he fixes them all. He delivers the food you brought in for the food pantry. He helps the one who walks in the front door and needs help. He is at the church building almost every day to take care of the small little things you will never see, or know about. I notice.

Church doesn’t happen on Sunday. Church is the body, and we are called to participate in this family. Unfortunately, that small base group, the ones that always seem to be involved, can’t always do everything. Do you notice those same faces helping when asked? Have you considered your part in God’s ministry? Where are you called to be, what are you called to do? Have you notice when you walk in on Sunday to a service that so many have prepared for throughout the week?

Stop and notice. Pray. Move.

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us.  For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you.  We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

 We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies.  Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.

I was introduced to this amazing interactive party on July 18, 2014- and I absolutely fell in love with the idea!

I invite you to visit the website of Kate Motaung, who recently took over for the creator of Five Minute Friday (link below) for full details and rules (well the one rule).
